
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of

Posted: August 11th, 2021 | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , ,

FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.

The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 1:20 p.m. CT on Wednesday, Aug. 11.

The EAS national test is very similar to regular monthly tests typically originated by state authorities. During the test, radios and televisions across the country may interrupt normal programming to play the EAS test message. The message may be delivered in English or Spanish.

The WEA test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages, which will be in either English or Spanish, depending on the device’s language settings. Most mobile phones will not display the test message. In contrast, consumers will automatically receive real emergency alerts on compatible phones (even if they do not receive the test message).

For more information go to


St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office will conduct extra patrols for vacationing residents

Posted: May 27th, 2021 | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , ,

St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office will conduct extra patrols for vacationing residents

St. Bernard Parish residents leaving for an extended period of time or for summer vacation can call the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office to request that deputies make extra patrols past their home while they are away.

“When thinking about the last-minute things you have to do before leaving, remember to call us for extra patrols,” St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Residents can call (504) 271-2501 to get on the list for the extra patrols.

Sheriff Pohlmann said the information is kept confidential and is revealed only to the officers assigned to patrol the section where the resident lives.

Residents also are advised to leave a contact number with the Sheriff’s Office so a patrol deputy can call them if something happens at their home, Sheriff Pohlmann said, including non crime-related matters such as damage from a wind or rain storm.

Lt. Eric Eilers, head of Community Relations for the Sheriff’s Office, said the extra pass list has been used effectively for years and helps residents be assured their homes will have some extra protection while they are away.

Lt. Eilers said residents should consider the following crime prevention tips before leaving their home for trips:

Lock up. While this might seem obvious, some people forget to lock their house completely while rushing to get away. Make sure all doors and windows are locked.

Be careful who you tell that you plan to be away from your home. However, ask someone you trust to watch for anything unusual. Also, never leave a message on a phone voice mail system saying you are out of town because any caller would learn your house may be vulnerable.

The same is true with social media. It is foolish to announce to everyone you will be going on a trip. Wait until you return to post photos instead.

Do whatever possible to create the appearance that someone is home. Keep a vehicle in the driveway or out front of your residence. Maintain your lawn before you leave or have someone you trust mow your lawn while you are gone.

Put outdoor lighting on either timers, light-sensitive photocell mechanisms, or motion detectors. Use timers to activate inside lighting, radios, or TVs. Use LED light bulbs because they burn cooler than the standard light bulbs.

Don’t let deliveries accumulate. If possible, ask someone you know to pick up mail, newspapers, packages and any circulars placed on your front door. Stop delivery of any newspaper if you can so they don’t pile up.

Don’t leave keys under your doormat, flower pots or window ledges – intruders check these first.

Keep shrubbery trimmed. Thick shrubbery and trees cover your windows, allowing burglars to work undetected.

If you have a security system, ensure it is armed and provide instructions to the central monitoring station – if you have one – to call your cell phone, the Sheriff’s Office and/or a particular friend, relative or neighbor if there is a problem.

If your area has a Neighborhood Watch program, inform its officials about your vacation plans.

St. Bernard residents interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch group in their area can call Lt. Eilers at (504) 278-7628.