St. Bernard Special Olympics had 92 athletes in games held March 14, including Alexis Hernandez, 12, who goes to the nationals in June; deputies from sheriff’s Special Investigations Division took part

Posted: March 17th, 2014 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News
Sheriff's deputies who participated in the Special Olympics held March 14.

Sheriff’s deputies who participated in the Special Olympics held March 14.

Tales Johnson, 13, rares back to throw a ball the farthest he can as sheriff's deputies and others in the background wave their arms to give him a target and encourage him.

Tales Johnson, 13, rares back to throw a ball the farthest he can as sheriff’s deputies and others in the background wave their arms to give him a target and encourage him.

The opening march for the Special Olympics ceremony.

The opening march for the Special Olympics ceremony.

Boys line up to race in a track event.

Boys line up to race in a track event.

Alexis Hernandez, 12, of Arabi Elementary, center, holds the Special Olympics torch aloft with the help of Gerald Neyland of Arabi, with her older sister Elizabeth Hernandez, at left and a group of St. Bernard Parish sheriff's deputies behind them as they get ready to march in the opening ceremony of the school system's Special Olympics games held March 14 at Chalmette High's football stadium. Alexis, a eunner, will compte in the national Special Olympics in June at Princeton, N.J.

Alexis Hernandez, 12, of Arabi Elementary, center, holds the Special Olympics torch aloft with the help of Gerald Neyland of Arabi, with her older sister Elizabeth Hernandez, at left and a group of St. Bernard Parish sheriff’s deputies behind them as they get ready to march in the opening ceremony of the school system’s Special Olympics games held March 14 at Chalmette High’s football stadium. Alexis, a eunner, will compte in the national Special Olympics in June at Princeton, N.J.

Melissa Bruno could hardly have been more excited in the stands as her 12-year-old daughter, Alexis Hernandez of Arabi Elementary, carried the Special Olympics torch – with her older sister at her side – to help open the St. Bernard school system’s Special Olympics games March 14 at Chalmette High’s football stadium.

Alexis Hernandez was one of 92 children and adults with special needs who took part in the games, held for moiré than 20 years by the school system. But Alexis, a runner, will also be going to the Special Olympics national games in New Jersey this June.

Some 100 volunteers, including Sheriff’s Office deputies, parish government workers, civic clubs including Kiwanis and the Lions and employees of several private businesses, took part in the games at Chalmette High. Many helped coordinate races, soft ball throws and other events.

Paul Frey, adapted physical education teacher and director of Special Olympics for the school system, directed the events, assisted by school system Principal Donna Schultz and others.

Alexis Hernandez carried the torch for the opening ceremonies, assisted by Gerald Neyland of Arabi, with the 12-year’s sister, Elizabeth Hernandez, 16 of Chalmette High, along side her. Sheriff’s deputies walked behind the group on the track at the football stadium.

The girls’ mother, Melissa Bruno, hugged her daughter afterward and said, “We are very excited’’ about Alexis going to the national Special Olympics in June, which take place in Princeton, New Jersey. The 12-year-old went to the state finals last year and has qualified for the nationals.

“It’s a dream for her,’’ the mother said. “A once in a lifetime dream.’’

One of the things Alexis wants to do is go to the bakery where the TV show “Cake Boss,’’ is filmed. “She watches it all the time,’’ Melissa Bruno said of her daughter.

The girl has participated in running events about four years, the mother said.