St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies raise money to promote Autism Awareness

Posted: May 15th, 2019 | Filed under: News Releases | Tags:

St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies raise money to promote Autism Awareness

St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies helped raise $3,900 by selling special Autism Awareness T-shirts to benefit the St. Bernard Autism Awareness Krewe, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps families in St. Bernard Parish who are affected by autism gain resources and find access to beneficial therapies.

The check presentation was made May 4 at Docville Farm in Violet during the St. Bernard Autism Awareness Krewe’s Derby Day fundraiser held in conjunction with the Meraux Foundation. From left, are: Capt. Brian Clark, a retired state Wildlife and Fisheries agent who heads the Sheriff’s Office Marine Division; Sgt. Jeff Vega, a detective with the Criminal Investigations Bureau; Col. Chad Clark, commander of the Criminal Investigations Bureau; and Robert Lay and Alvin Jones, St. Bernard Autism Awareness Krewe founding board members.