St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies provide Thanksgiving meals for several St. Bernard families

Posted: November 27th, 2017 | Filed under: News Releases

Members of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Communications and Corrections Divisions recently presented Ronald Ecklund, third from left, and his family with a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. With Ecklund are, from left: Maj. Angie Huff, Sgt. Jennifer Garofalo, Sgt. Shannon Cooper, and Dep. Darlene Ricks and her daughter, Isabella Baroncelli.

Members of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Communications and Corrections Divisions recently presented Allie and Johnathon Barefoot’s family with a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. With Allie and Johnathon Barefoot, front center, are second row, from left: Sgt. Jeff Babin, Maj. Angie Huff, Sgt. Jennifer Garofalo, Dep. Darlene Ricks and her daughter Isabella Baroncelli, and Sgt. Shannon Cooper.

Members of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Communications and Corrections Divisions recently presented Jessica Joyce, second row, fourth from left, and her family with a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner. Pictured with Joyce and three of her sons – Dajuan Joyce, Taj Bartley and Taraj Bartley – are, second row, from left: Dep. Darlene Ricks and her daughter Isabella Baroncelli, Maj. Angie Huff, Sgt. Jennifer Garofalo, Sgt. Shannon Cooper and Sgt. Jeff Babin.

Members of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Communications and Corrections Divisions recently presented several St. Bernard Parish families with a turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner, St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Communications Division representatives, Maj. Angie Huff, Sgt. Jennifer Garofalo and Sgt. Shannon Cooper, along with Sgt. Jeff Babin and Dep. Darlene Ricks from Corrections, presented a turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, cookies and rolls to three Chalmette families.

The food items were provided by the deputies, with assistance from Jeanfreau’s Super Market and Par3 Restaurant. The deputies also will be providing the families with items of necessity such as bedding, clothing and toiletries, along with trees, decorations and toys for Christmas.