St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office D.A.R.E. program graduations

Posted: May 19th, 2017 | Filed under: News Releases

Lynn Oaks School fifth-graders who graduated from the D.A.R.E. program are, front row, from left: Marcuss Campbell, Camryn Delaune, Eric Lentz, Madison Hoover, Emma Maclean, Bree Naquin, first place essay winner, and Sophia Majors, second place essay winner. Second row, from left: Hezekiah Acosta, Catherine Olivier, Mia McNab, Dominique Pfister, Noah Oliver and Victoria Sanders. Third row, from left, are: Lt. Lisa Jackson, Lynn Oaks teacher Chris Wilder, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Col. Robert McNab, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Capt. Ronnie Martin, Lt. Robert Broadhead and Lynn Oaks Principal Kim Duplantier.


St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann speaks with W. Smith Elementary School fifth graders who graduated from the D.A.R.E. program on May 9, 2017 about the importance of making the right choices when it comes to the use of drugs or alcohol.

Sgt. Darrin Miller, back row left, and St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann, right, with W. Smith Elementary School fifth graders who were named D.A.R.E. essay winners, from left: Ronald Mott, runner up; Paris Leonard, second place; Ja’Maia Brown, first place; Cash Williams, first place; Rodney Demolle, second place; and Jeremiah Davis, runner up.

Arabi Elementary School fifth-graders who were named first place D.A.R.E. essay winners are, first row, from left: Anna Gruner, Mia Augustine, Keilon Ruffin and Mia Chauppette. Arabi fifth-graders named second place D.A.R.E. essay winners are, second row, from left: Ava Gagliano, Aniya Harris, Eva Walls and Stephanie Villatoro.

Chalmette Elementary School fifth-graders named first place winners in the D.A.R.E. essay contest are, first row, from left: Allana August, Troy Sino Jr., Chelsea Kieff and Emma Domino. Second place essay contest winners are second row, from left: Danesha Fisher, Jacob Bell, Jonathan Mackles Jr. and Imani Brock. Third row, from left, are: Col. Robert McNab, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Chip Englande, Lt. Lisa Jackson and Lt. Robert Broadhead.

A Chalmette Elementary School fifth-grader whisks by in excitement to shake Sheriff James Pohlmann’s hand during the school’s D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony held May 18, 2017. Also pictured is Col. Robert McNab, commander of the Special Investigations Division.

D.A.R.E. anti-drug program supervisor Lt. Lisa Jackson, left, and Sgt. Darrin Miller, hand a completion certificate to Chalmette Elementary School fifth-grader Emma Domino during the school’s graduation ceremony on May 18, 2017. Emma was named one of the first place winners in her school’s D.A.R.E. essay contest.

Chalmette Elementary School fifth-grader Imani Brock admires her completion certificate during the school’s D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony held May 18, 2017.

Col. Robert McNab, commander of the Special Investigations Division including the Narcotics Unit, speaks with Arabi Elementary School students during their D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony about making the right choices when it comes to the use of drugs or alcohol.

Lynn Oaks School fifth-graders who got to hang out with Daren the Lion, the D.A.R.E. program mascot, are: Sophia Majors, second place D.A.R.E. essay winner, left, and Bree Naquin, first place D.A.R.E. essay winner, right.

W. Smith Elementary School fifth-grader Joseph Williams enjoys some pizza following his school’s D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony. Joseph and 49 of his classmates graduated from the drug abuse resistance program on May 9, 2017.

Col. Robert McNab, commander of the Special Investigations Division including the Narcotics Unit, standing left, and St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann, right, with Lynn Oaks School fifth-graders Bree Naquin, first place D.A.R.E. essay winner, left, and Sophia Majors, second place D.A.R.E. essay winner, right.

More than 250 St. Bernard Parish fifth-graders graduated from the spring semester of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program.

Sheriff James Pohlmann said the D.A.R.E. anti-drug program, taught in St. Bernard Parish schools by program supervisor Lt. Lisa Jackson and Sgt. Darrin Miller, is aimed at discouraging youngsters from using drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, or taking part in violence or the bullying of others.

Fifty students graduated the program May 9 at W. Smith Elementary, 100 graduated May 11 at Arabi Elementary, 13 graduated May 15 at Lynn Oaks School and 95 graduated May 18 at Chalmette Elementary.

During the graduation ceremonies, students heard from Sheriff Pohlmann and Col. Robert McNab, commander of the Special Investigations Division including the Narcotics Unit, about making the right choices when it comes to the use of drugs or alcohol. Both stressed the importance of listening to their parents and teachers, and choosing their friends wisely.

Sheriff Pohlmann spoke to parents about the importance of protecting our future by investing in our children. He praised parents for taking part in keeping their children on the right path and focused on doing the right thing, including talking often with them and looking for warning signs to help prevent drug use.

Sheriff Pohlmann also spoke to children about bullying and how important it is to not bully others, and to report any kind of bullying they witness to an adult or teacher.