St. Bernard sheriff’s deputies, state Wildlife Dept. agents and associates of the Arc center for adults with intellectual disabilities took part in Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics;

Posted: May 23rd, 2014 | Filed under: News Releases
Sheriff's deputies and agents from Wildlife and Fisheries on the steps of the Parish Courthouse before beginning the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana on Friday.

Sheriff’s deputies and agents from Wildlife and Fisheries on the steps of the Parish Courthouse before beginning the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana on Friday.

Participants in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana, held Friday, May 23 in Chalmette, line up on Jean Lafitte Parkway for the last leg of the run, where St. Bernard sheriff's deputies and agents from Wildlife and Fisheries who began the run at the Parish Courthouse, are joined by a group from the ARC Center, 3710 Jean Lafitte, where local adults with intellectual disabilities receive support. The ARC group walked and rode three-wheel bicycles as the procession ended at their center.

Participants in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana, held Friday, May 23 in Chalmette, line up on Jean Lafitte Parkway for the last leg of the run, where St. Bernard sheriff’s deputies and agents from Wildlife and Fisheries who began the run at the Parish Courthouse, are joined by a group from the ARC Center, 3710 Jean Lafitte, where local adults with intellectual disabilities receive support. The ARC group walked and rode three-wheel bicycles as the procession ended at their center.

Some of the deputies, agents and ARC associates on the last part of the run.

Some of the deputies, agents and ARC associates on the last part of the run.

St. Bernard Highway and Jean Lafitte Parkway in Chalmette came alive with spirit on Friday, May 23, during the St. Bernard leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana.

About 30 deputies from the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office and agents from the state Wildlife and Fisheries Department participated in the run from the St. Bernard Courthouse, going west on St. Bernard Highway to Jean Lafitte Parkway and north past Judge Perez Drive.

There the group was joined by associates from the ARC Center at 3700 Jean Lafitte Parkway, which provides a support system for intellectually disabled adults from St. Bernard Parish, New Orleans and Plaquemines Parish.

The ARC group walked and rode three-wheel bicycles, with the procession ending at the ARC Center, which is the rebuilt rectory of the old Prince of Peace Catholic Church. The grounds where the church stood is now a large garden where vegetables are grown for sale.
The aim of the Law Enforcement Torch Run is to bring awareness to Special Olympics Louisiana and the State Summer Games held each May in Hammond.

More than $600 for Special Olympics Louisiana was raised in St. Bernard through Friday’s event.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics was celebrating its 31st year. More than 2,000 law enforcement officers take part statewide.