St. Bernard Community Anti-Drug Coalition to lose its program director and is accepting applications for the part-time job

Posted: October 28th, 2014 | Filed under: News Releases

Dr. Joseph Salande, program director for the non-profit St. Bernard Community Anti-Drug Coalition for nearly a year, has told the group he will step down in December and its board is accepting applications for a replacement for the part-time position of about 20 hours per week. It pays $25,000 a year.

The Coalition was formed with a goal of reducing illegal drug use in the parish and works towards developing community-wide programs and providing information on resources available for those looking for rehab help for themselves or others.

Resumes to be considered for the job of program director should be e-mailed to Coalition Chairman Dan Schneider at [email protected]. He can be reached at 504-430-3154 Sheriff James Pohlmann and a cross section of government and school officials, as well as other professionals in the parish are members of the Coalition board.

Salande, who was hired effective last December, told the board he needs to devote more time to his growing chiropractic practice but said he wants to continue to help the Coalition in its goals.

“I hope my tenure has brought some organization,’’ to the Coalition’s beginning steps, said Salande, a St. Bernard native who is a doctor of chiropractic and had a large practice in Chalmette before Hurricane Katrina. Salande began a Facebook page for the public to learn about the group at St. Bernard Community Coalition @

Schneider said of Salande, “I think Joe did a great job in getting us along to where we are. And I am pleased that he will now be a member of the board to continue helping the Coalition.’’

A Coalition office is located in the parish government complex at 8201 West Judge Perez Drive in Chalmette and the group’s phone number is 504-278-4308. Here is the job description for the program director: To manage, develop and coordinate overall operations of the St. Bernard Community Anti-Drug Coalition, including development and implementation of program goals, administrative procedures and systems and compliance with objectives of a Drug-Free Communities Mentoring Grant.

The program director will work with board members to develop and implement strategies leading to long-term involvement of community institutions, organizations and individuals in strategic prevention framework activities and will manage and oversee expenditures of the coalition budget.

Qualifications: Masters degree or relevant experience in public health or related field such as health education, administration, policy/planning, or in community/organizational psychology; or bachelor’s degree and 5 years of appropriate experience in managing or coordinating a community-based public health or voluntary health-related agency could be substituted for advanced degree.

At least 2 years of experience is required with health education programs in a community setting, proven ability to work independently, and excellent organizational skills. Must be highly proficient with Microsoft Office and general computer skills, as well as have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and knowledge of research methods.