Sheriff’s vehicles to bear message: “Don’t Trash Our Parish – Keep St. Bernard Clean”; 150 stickers given by Community Foundation for beautification effort

Posted: January 21st, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases, SBSO News
The new stickers going on sheriff's vehicles bear the message "Don't Trash Our Parish.''

The new stickers going on sheriff’s vehicles bear the message “Don’t Trash Our Parish.”

Shown with a vehicle with the new anti-litter message are, from left, Sheriff's Dep. Nicole Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Polly Campbell, executive director of the St. Bernard Community Foundation which donated the stickers; Claudette Reuther, chair lady of the foundation board, and board member Joseph DiFatta.

Shown with a vehicle with the new anti-litter message are, from left, Sheriff’s Dep. Nicole Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Polly Campbell, executive director of the St. Bernard Community Foundation which donated the stickers; Claudette Reuther, chair lady of the foundation board, and board member Joseph DiFatta.

It’s a simple message: “Don’t Trash Our Parish – Keep St. Bernard Clean.’’ And soon more than 100 sheriff’s vehicles will bear it in the form of stickers for residents to see, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

About 150 stickers, to be placed on the rear window of sheriff’s vehicles, were donated by the St. Bernard Parish Community Foundation, of which Polly Campbell is executive director and Claudette Reuther is chair lady of the board. Sheriff’s Office employee Joseph DiFatta is also a board member.

The stickers are going on vehicles now and will be seen on St. Bernard streets, the sheriff said.

Sheriff Pohlmann said, “This is part of an ongoing beautification and anti-litter effort the Sheriff’s Office has been involved in for nearly two years with Polly Campbell and her groups and we lwanted to promote St. Bernard as an attractive place to live.’’

The Sheriff’s Office uses supervised prison work crews to go out from the parish jail and perform community service projects “such as picking up trash along St. Bernard highways, planting trees on neutral grounds, mowing the grass at Pearl Harbor Park in Chalmette, re-painting at the parish Council on Aging building and doing other jobs ,’’ the sheriff said.

Sheriff Pohlmann added, “We hope residents take to heart the anti-litter message and have enough pride in their parish not to want to trash it.”

Parish government will also receive the same stickers for government vehicles, Campbell said.

She said she also appreciates what the sheriff’s prison work crews have done for beautification in St. Bernard by regularly picking up trash, planting trees and other things they do.