Sheriff’s Office to have extra patrols from Monday, May 23 through Sunday June 5, writing citations to motorists not wearing seat belts; It is part of the “Click it or Ticket’’ national program to promote safety

Posted: May 20th, 2016 | Filed under: SBSO News

Sheriff James Pohlmann is warning motorists to buckle up their seat belts or risk a citation because the Sheriff’s Office will have extra patrols from Monday, May 23 through Sunday June 5, writing citations to those not wearing them.

It is part of the “Click it or Ticket’’ campaign of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to promote safety.

“Motorists and passengers should always be buckled up in a vehicle,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “Otherwise you’re risking serious injury or death. You may not see an accident coming and in just that moment your life can be over because you didn’t put on your seat belt.’’

“We will have extra officers on the streets to enforce this seat belt policy and you may be one of the ones who get a citation if you don’t take notice,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said.

The goal of the Click It or Ticket Mobilization is not to give out tickets, but rather to influence people to buckle up and prevent injuries and fatalities, national officials said. Not weafing them is the leading cause of death and disability for Americans between the ages of 4 and 34.

Research proves that the certainty of a ticket and costly fines often convinces people to Click It.