Sheriff’s Office participates in statewide day of prayer for law enforcement officers, with five ministers speaking to groups of officers and other employees

Posted: September 14th, 2015 | Filed under: News Releases
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The St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office participated in a statewide day of prayer on Monday for law enforcement officers, with five ministers speaking to groups of officers and other employees.

Sheriff James Pohlmann said he appreciates any effort at asking people to support law enforcement and consider the price too many police officers have had to pay at the hands of murderers.

“We are so fortunate to be in the situation we have in St. Bernard Parish where the community has always supported law enforcement,’’ the sheriff said.

Gov. Bobby Jindal declared Monday a day of “statewide prayer for law enforcement,” in the wake of numerous recent officer deaths across Louisiana and other states.

The resolution asked Louisiana citizens to “petition the Lord to provide comfort to Louisianans, understanding to families affected by these tragedies, and protection to all law enforcement as they selflessly serve in the face of danger each day.”

Five ministers, Aaron Johnson, Jerry Troxclair, Jim Jeffries, Henry Ballard and Fr. Lance Campo spoke to sheriff’s deputies and other employees of the Sheriff’s Office at five locations on Monday as part of the day of prayer.