Sheriff’s free Holiday Ride Home program in effect through Jan. 2 to prevent drinking and driving; Call 271-2501; 20 people have gotten rides through Christmas Day

Posted: December 27th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

Twenty people so far have taken advantage of the Sheriff’s Office Free Ride Home program which runs through Jan. 2 to prevent drinking and driving and Sheriff James Pohlmann said the number is a sign some residents are heeding the advice that is isn’t worth the risk to get behind the wheel if they have been drinking.

For the 30th consecutive year, the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office is offering the free Holiday Ride Home program, which was the first of its type in the New Orleans area when then-Sheriff Jack Stephens started it in 1984.

“We have had 20 people through Dec. 26 call us at 271-2501 for a ride home and that is as many as we normally get through Jan. 2,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “That shows more and more people are understanding the message, “don’t drink and drive.’’

But, the sheriff said, unfortunately DWI arrests are about the same as normal, which shows it isn’t getting through to some people.

“It is really a no-brainer. Why take the chance of injuring someone else or yourself or getting arrested for driving while intoxicated,” Sheriff Pohlmann said. “We bring you home no questions asked.’’

The free rides home are for any parish resident who has been drinking during the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year’s holidays. Sheriff Pohlmann said.

A sheriff’s deputy will pick you up and take you to your home in St. Bernard or, if you live out of the parish, you can be taken to a sheriff’s sub-station where arrangements can be made to have someone pick you up there.

“We are proud of the Holiday Ride Home program,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “And why not? It was innovative when it was started and it shows we don’t want anyone injured by impaired drivers.’’

The Sheriff’s Office will be working in conjunction with State Police to battle drunk-driving by looking for impaired drivers. There is a checkpoint in St. Bernard the night of Dec. 27 and otherwise, “We patrol vigorously looking for anyone who is driving drunk or on drugs,’’ the sheriff said.