Sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for fifth-graders holds graduations at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School and Lacoste Elementary

Posted: May 22nd, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, D.A.R.E. Program, News Releases, SBSO News

Fifth-graders at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School prepare to sing the D.A.R.E. theme song to their parents and teachers.

Fifth-graders at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School prepare to sing the D.A.R.E. theme song to their parents and teachers.

At Our Lady of prompt Succor School, from left are Lt. Lisa Jackson, teachers Anne Fabian and Rachel Vogt, 2nd place D.A.R.E. essay winners Joey Bazile and Katie Mahler; first place essay winners Emily Zepeda and Kelsey Juan, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson, Maj. Chad Clark, Capt. Ronnie Martin and mascot Daren the Lion, portrayed by Cpl. Jessica Gernados.

At Our Lady of prompt Succor School, from left are Lt. Lisa Jackson, teachers Anne Fabian and Rachel Vogt, 2nd place D.A.R.E. essay winners Joey Bazile and Katie Mahler; first place essay winners Emily Zepeda and Kelsey Juan, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson, Maj. Chad Clark, Capt. Ronnie Martin and mascot Daren the Lion, portrayed by Cpl. Jessica Gernados.

D.A.R.E. essay winners at Lacoste Elementary were Angela Romero-Barron, Kieran Marshall, Taylor Meyer, Logan Dusang and Victoria Pecunia and with them are Lacoste Principal Stacie Alfonso. In the back row are D.A.R.E. instructors Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Lisa Jackson and Capt. Ronnie Martin, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson and Maj. Chad Clark.

D.A.R.E. essay winners at Lacoste Elementary were Angela Romero-Barron, Kieran Marshall, Taylor Meyer, Logan Dusang and Victoria Pecunia and with them are Lacoste Principal Stacie Alfonso. In the back row are D.A.R.E. instructors Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Lisa Jackson and Capt. Ronnie Martin, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson and Maj. Chad Clark.

Some of the .D.A.R.E. program graduates at Lacoste Elementary perform the D.A.R.E. theme song.

Some of the .D.A.R.E. program graduates at Lacoste Elementary perform the D.A.R.E. theme song.

The sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for fifth-graders held graduations recently at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School and Lacoste Elementary.

Sheriff James Pohlmann and Maj. Chad Clark, head of the Special Investigations Division which includes the Narcotics Unit, spoke to the children about the importance of making good choices in life and avoiding drugs, bullying, violence, alcohol and tobacco.

Lt. Lisa Jackson is head of the D.A.R.E. program and Sgt. Darrin Miller is an instructor in the program with her.

SID officers Capt. Ronnie Martin, Lt. Richard Jackson and Cpl. Jessica Gernados – who appeared in costume as Daren the Lion, mascot of the national D.A.R.E. program – also took part from the Sheriff’s Office.