Sheriff warns of mystery shopper scams which send people fake checks to shop but leave them as victims when bank deducts check amount from account: Also, watch for tax frauds as April 15 tax deadline nears

Posted: March 28th, 2014 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

Sheriff James Pohlmann is warning residents of mystery shopper attempted scams which have cropped up in St. Bernard Parish and also says to watch for over-the-phone tax frauds as April 15 federal income tax deadline nears.

The sheriff said a check-cashing business in St. Bernard has reported fake checks have been brought in by residents recently who said they got them from so-called mystery shopper enterprises.

The scam operates likes this: someone claiming to be with a legitimate company sends out or gives a large counterfeit cashier’s check, money order or even a check drawn on a credit union account to a would-be victim, the sheriff said. The shopper is told to cash it, perhaps by putting into their personal checking account, and told to wire the majority of the funds via MoneyGram or Western Union and then keep the rest as their ‘pay’ for comparison shopping.

“The key is the victim is led to believe they have been hired to do a legitimate job of comparison shopping,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “Don’t be fooled by these scams, which sometimes start as an advertisement in want ads where people are looking for jobs.

“They want you to send them your money and leave you holding a fake check that you will be responsible for when it becomes clear the check or money order is bad.’’

Banking rules require banks to make funds available on cashier’s checks and money orders within 1-5 days, so the scammers are counting on you receiving the funds and going through with the wire transfer before the check or money order has actually cleared the bank, Sheriff Pohlmann said. “By the time you find out the check is not legitimate, you are out the money you sent and will be held accountable for the bounced check by your financial institution.’’

Be leary of a check received in the mail or otherwise if you are required to send your own money back to them, the sheriff said. Legitimate companies don’t operate that way.

Contact the Sheriff’s Office at (504) 271-2501 to file a report if you receive such a check. You can also file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center at and the Federal Trade Commission at

Also, Sheriff Pohlmann said, with the April 15 deadline approaching for filing your federal income tax return residents should be on the lookout for scammers who contact you claiming to be with the Internal Revenue Service.

Typically, such callers want your bank routing number and account numbers, claiming they will deposit your tax refund by direct deposit to your bank.

“Never give out such information to strangers,’’ the sheriff said. They can use it to drain your accounts with electronic deductions.

Each year, including already this year, people are defrauded in such scams, he said.