Sheriff urges people not to let unused prescription drugs fall into the wrong hands: Turn them in at a Drug Take-Back Day from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Saturday, April 26 at the sheriff’s sub-station at 5429 Paris Road

Posted: April 17th, 2014 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases
Sheriff James Pohlmann and Maj. Chad Clark are among officers from the Sheriff’s Office, the U.S. Drug Administration and officials of the Walgreens pharmacy in Chalmette, holding up a box of medications received from the public during the last Drug Take-Back Day last October, held in the Walgreens parking lot. More than 80 pounds of prescription and other type drugs were collected. The next drug take-back day is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 26 at the sheriff’s sub-station, 5429 Paris Road.

Sheriff James Pohlmann and Maj. Chad Clark are among officers from the Sheriff’s Office, the U.S. Drug Administration and officials of the Walgreens pharmacy in Chalmette, holding up a box of medications received from the public during the last Drug Take-Back Day last October, held in the Walgreens parking lot. More than 80 pounds of prescription and other type drugs were collected. The next drug take-back day is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 26 at the sheriff’s sub-station, 5429 Paris Road.

Sheriff James Pohlmann is urging people not to let their unused prescription medications such as pain-killer pills fall into the wrong hands.

Instead, turn them in to the Sheriff’s Office sub-station at 5429 Paris Road from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 26 on National Drug Take-Back Day.

It will be the fifth year for the highly successful program aimed at ridding unused or no longer needed drugs from medicine chests so no one else finds them and uses them or sells them on the streets.

“Don’t let young people get hooked on pills they find while visiting you,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said, and “don’t throw medication in the garbage where it can be found or down the toilet where it can end up affecting wildlife or seafood in marshes.’’

Sheriff Pohlmann added, “Instead, bring any medication you don’t use to us so it can be destroyed properly.’’

The Take-Back Day is held in conjunction with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and State Police efforts.

However, the Sheriff’s Office was doing it first in the New Orleans area, under former Sheriff Jack Stephens.

More than 81 pounds of drugs were collected six months ago in the last Drug Take-Back Day, held in the parking lot of the Walgreens at Judge Perez and Paris Road.

But the upcoming one will be at the sheriff’s sub-station where sheriff’s narcotics agents will be there to receive drugs from the public.

The effort is important, the sheriff said, because studies show young people often abuse prescription drugs after stealing them from medicine chests at the homes of relatives or at parents of friends.

Residents are reminded they can also call the sheriff’s 271-DOPE hot line (271-3673) at any time they want to turn in prescription drugs between official drug take-back days. A Narcotics Unit agent will call them back to make arrangements.

They should also call the sheriff’s 271-DOPE hot line anonymously at any time to report suspected illegal drug activity. All calls will be acted upon.