Sheriff Pohlmann visits Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans to discuss S.O. and tout the recovery of St. Bernard

Posted: July 27th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, SBSO News
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St. Bernard Parish Sheriff James Pohlmann and two top staff members, Maj. Mark Poche and Maj. Adolph Kreger, recently visited NASA’s Michould Assembly Facility in eastern New Orleans – part of the Marshall Space Flight Center – where from 1973 to 2010 the Space Shuttle’s External Tanks were constructed. Pohlmann spoke to safety professionals of Jacobs Technology, which maintains and operates the multi-tenant, 832-acre site, as well as other NASA officials.

The sheriff discussed the state of the Sheriff’s Office as he ends his first month in office and touted the recovery of St. Bernard Parish. He noted a number of employees there are parish natives but some have moved since the storm, then encouraged them to consider returning. “St. Bernard has a lot to offer,’’ Pohlmann said, pointing out its new flood protection system, new school system whose students are receiving top marks in statewide tests, as well as the parish hospital opening shortly.

“We’ve lost good people’’ since the storm and welcome them back, he said. Shown, Pohlmann addresses the employees and meets with Steven Hanberg, logistics specialist for Jacobs. Poche, Pohlmann and Kreger are shown in front of a model of the shuttle. Also, Hanberg explains another model at the facility. STEVE CANNIZARO PHOTOS.