School Is back in session, drive safely

Posted: August 7th, 2017 | Filed under: News Releases

St. Bernard Parish schools kicked off the 2017-18 school year today, Aug. 7, and Sheriff James Pohlmann is reminding motorists to drive safely, and obey school zone speed limits in the mornings and afternoons.

“In addition to watching your speed near schools, be on the lookout for students walking in the areas near schools and be prepared for school buses to make frequent stops to pick up or drop off students,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Sheriff’s Office deputies will make extra patrols in school areas, especially during the first week of school, he said.

Most school zone speed limits are 20 MPH, Sheriff Pohlmann said, and drivers should start slowing down well before they reach the posted school zone area.

Also, parents are reminded to buckle children in seats appropriate for their ages.

“The back seat is the safest place for young kids,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, children up to age 12 are safest riding in the back seat, buckled in place. Auto accidents remain the leading cause of death of children 5-15 years of age.

For full child passenger safety information, including where to find safety seat inspection stations, visit to learn more.