Night Out Against Crime is tonight in St. Bernard

Posted: October 28th, 2019 | Filed under: News Releases | Tags:

Night Out Against Crime is tonight in St. Bernard

The annual National Night Out Against Crime will celebrated tonight (Oct. 15) in St. Bernard Parish.

About two dozen events are scheduled to be held throughout the parish this evening, some at churches and public places, as well as at private homes.

Sheriff James Pohlmann said the annual event is held in an effort to strengthen neighborhood bonds and increase crime prevention awareness.

“We encourage residents to get together as a way to show they want to take a stand against crime,” the Sheriff said. “It’s a great way to foster relationships between neighbors and fight crime in their neighborhood.”

Sheriff Pohlmann and Sheriff’s Office deputies will visit various gatherings this evening to meet residents and answer any questions they may have about law enforcement issues and crime prevention.
