Nearly 100 pounds of medications turned in during Drug Take-Back Day on Oct. 22; To get rid of medications between Take-Back days call the Sheriff’s Office at 271-DOPE and they can be picked up

Posted: October 24th, 2016 | Filed under: SBSO News
Sheriff James Pohlmann is on hand as a woman drops off medications to be destroyed.

Sheriff James Pohlmann is on hand as a woman drops off medications to be destroyed.

A woman drops off medications during a Drug Take-Back event on Oct. 22 at a Sheriff's Office station in Arabi. In the background is Capt. Pat Childress.

A woman drops off medications during a Drug Take-Back event on Oct. 22 at a Sheriff’s Office station in Arabi. In the background is Capt. Pat Childress.

From left, Agent Jason Saltalmachia, Sheriff James Pohlmann and Capt. Pat Childress with one of the boxes of medications disposed of by the public at the Drug Take-Back event.

From left, Agent Jason Saltalmachia, Sheriff James Pohlmann and Capt. Pat Childress with one of the boxes of medications disposed of by the public at the Drug Take-Back event.

Several people who came to a Sheriff’s Office station in Arabi on Oct. 22 said they were glad to see the department holding a Drug Take-Back day because they didn’t know what to do with unwanted or expired prescription medications they had been holding for a period of time.

“I didn’t want to throw them away and have them fall into the wrong hands,’’ one woman said as she dropped off medications.

The Sheriff’s Office collected 97 pounds of medications during the drug take-back, Sheriff James Pohlmann said, adding he was pleased to prevent those drugs from ending up sold on the streets or in the hands of young people. The drugs will be incincerated in coordination with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

“This has been a highly successful program for us,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “The aim is to get rid of unused or no longer needed drugs from medicine chests so no one else finds them and uses them or sells them on the streets.’’

“And we don’t want them thrown down the toilet where they can end up affecting wildlife or seafood in marshes.’’

But Sheriff Pohlmann also said anyone who has unwanted or expired drugs to dispose of between Take-Back days can call the Sheriff’s Office at 271-DOPE, which is 271-3673, and they can be picked up by the Narcotics Division.

Also, remember to call the same drug hotline to anonymously report any suspected narcotics activity in St. Bernard Parish. All calls will be acted upon.