More than 100 youngsters and numerous volunteers including some from the Sheriff’s Office took part in St. Bernard Special Olympics at Chalmette High

Posted: March 4th, 2016 | Filed under: SBSO News
Some of the Special Olympics participants and their assigned partner from the school system prior to the start of the Games.

Some of the Special Olympics participants and their assigned partner from the school system prior to the start of the Games.

Sgt. Jessica Gernados, helping with events, fires a starter's pistol to begin a race.

Sgt. Jessica Gernados, helping with events, fires a starter’s pistol to begin a race.

St. Bernard sheriff's deputies begin the opening parade, walking with participant James Dobson Jr. of Arabi, nearly nine years old.

St. Bernard sheriff’s deputies begin the opening parade, walking with participant James Dobson Jr. of Arabi, nearly nine years old.

 Sheriff James Pohlmann, speaking with new Parish Council member Howard Luna, attended the Special Olympics.

Sheriff James Pohlmann, speaking with new Parish Council member Howard Luna, attended the Special Olympics.

Under perfect skies, more than 100 youngsters from public schools and numerous volunteers including some from the Sheriff’s Office took part again in St. Bernard Special Olympics held Friday at Bobby Nuss Stadium at Chalmette High.

This 7th annual event was open to Special Education kids eight and over and included activities such as throwing balls for distance and racing.

St. Bernard Parish deputies have been there since the Special Olympics became an annual event in the parish school system.

Sheriff James Pohlmann attended and several deputies participated in the opening ceremonies and parade, then helped with putting on individual events for the young athletes.

Department members also take part in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics each year, held in May on the weekend of the statewide Special Olympics which take place in Hammond.