Mentoring group The Girls’ Circle invites girls 10-14 to join; focuses on respect for others and themselves

Posted: October 29th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases
sheriff Pohlmann talks with the girls about their interests and answers questions. Standing at left is Allison Humphrey and at right, Tiara Howlett.

Sheriff Pohlmann talks with the girls about their interests and answers questions. Standing at left is Allison Humphrey and at right, Tiara Howlett.

The mentoring group The Girls' Circle had a Halloween party on Saturday, Oct. 27, with guests Sheriff James Pohlmann, standing in back to the left, and Parish President David Peralta, who is standing next to Tiara Howlett, founder of the group. Members of The Girls' Circle, include: seated from left, Rayana Stewart, Zakiya Clark, Taylor Breaud, A'miyah Jones, and back row from left, Anyea Bertrand, Sarah Stanich, Rayana Charles, Ashley Schmiderer and Elena Templet.

The mentoring group The Girls’ Circle had a Halloween party on Saturday, Oct. 27, with guests Sheriff James Pohlmann, standing in back to the left, and Parish President David Peralta, who is standing next to Tiara Howlett, founder of the group. Members of The Girls’ Circle, include: seated from left, Rayana Stewart, Zakiya Clark, Taylor Breaud, A’miyah Jones, and back row from left, Anyea Bertrand, Sarah Stanich, Rayana Charles, Ashley Schmiderer and Elena Templet.

Tiara Howlett of Chalmette, who works for parish government, said she saw a need for the mentoring of girls in St. Bernard Parish, which would emphasize respect for themselves and others.

The result is what she calls The Girls’ Circle, for girls 10-14, which started in August.

They meet at a parish gym to play games and talk, focusing on things such as not participating in bullying of others or talking about others behind their backs.

“It seemed like something we needed,’’ Howlett said. “Things are different from when I grew up and they need to know the right thing to do.’’

The group of about 10 girls held a Halloween costume party on Saturday, Oct. 27, and Sheriff James Pohlmann and Parish President David Peralta were guests, talking to the them about their interests and answering questions.

Parents or guardians interested in their girls joining can call Howlett at (504) 812-7872 or email her at [email protected].