Check the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page on Sunday, April 12 for location updates for the Irish-Italian– Islenos parade in Chalmette

Posted: March 27th, 2015 | Filed under: News Releases

nemesis-001Sheriff James Pohlmann reminds people attending the Irish-Italian–Islenos parade in Chalmette on Sunday, April 12 to look for location updates on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

A sheriff’s deputy on board the department’s Mobile Emergency Operations Center which leads the parade will post regular location updates on the Facebook page after it starts in Chalmette.

“We have done this since 2014 for parades in the parish and people seemed to like the updates of where the parade was,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. Several hundred people said on the Facebook page that they appreciated them, he said.

“We hope spectators, especially children, continue to find it to be fun and helpful to know when the parade will approach their location,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said.

The department’s mobile command post, acquired through a federal grant, is a great vehicle and is perfect for leading a parade, the sheriff said.

It will coordinate the running of the parade as well as road closings as it moves along the route, he said.