Chalmette man reported missing after cashing two checks totaling $10,500 for the company he worked for; St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office seeking information

Posted: August 29th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

Eliseo Sanchez, reported missing after cashing $10,500 in checks for his employer.

Eliseo Sanchez, reported missing after cashing $10,500 in checks for his employer.

A Chalmette man has been reported missing by his employer after cashing two checks Aug. 23 for the company he worked for, totaling nearly $10,500, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

The Sheriff’s Office is seeking information on the whereabouts of Eliseo Sanchez, 23, who had been living in Chalmette.

Anyone with information on Sanchez should call the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office at (504) 271-2501.

The sheriff said Sanchez’s employer reported him missing Aug. 24, saying Sanchez, who has routinely cashed checks for the company he worked for, hasn’t been seen or heard from after cashing two company checks in St. Bernard totaling more than $10,000 on Aug. 23. Sanchez had often cashed company checks worth more than that without problem, the employer said.

His employer, who also said Sanchez’ belongings remain at the man’s residence in Chalmette, said it was out of character for Sanchez not to contact the employer after cashing such company checks.