Beginning March 2, all citations issued by SBSO can be paid online at the Sheriff’s Office at as well as at the sheriff’s annex building up to 5 working days before the court date

Posted: February 26th, 2015 | Filed under: News Releases

Beginning on Monday, March 2, all citations issued by the Sheriff’s Office can be paid online at the Sheriff’s Office web site at as well as at the sheriff’s annex building behind the Parish Courthouse up to five working days before the court date.

Sheriff James Pohlmann said the change will make it more convenient for those paying fines for citations.

But he said citations issued by other enforcement agencies, including State Police and the state Wildlife and Fisheries Department, can only be paid on the second-floor of the Sheriff’s Office annex at No. 2 Courthouse Square behind the Parish Courthouse in Chalmette.

The web site will indicate a link to use in order to pay fines for citations.