Crimestoppers, which provides tips leading to arrests in St. Bernard and elsewhere, postpones its planned Sept. 22 fund-raiser, a road race on Canal Street, but will reschedule for later this year

Posted: September 13th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News

The St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office, which supports the fund-raising efforts of Crimestoppers, will sponsor a team from the department to race when Crimestoppers re-schedules its event. Team members include, from left, Cpl. Ryan Laylle, Sgt. Chris Scheeler and Maj. Adolph “Junior’’ Kreger.

The St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office, which supports the fund-raising efforts of Crimestoppers, will sponsor a team from the department to race when Crimestoppers re-schedules its event. Team members include, from left, Cpl. Ryan Laylle, Sgt. Chris Scheeler and Maj. Adolph “Junior’’ Kreger.

Because of Hurricane Isaac and its aftermath, the group Crimestoppers, which provides tips leading to arrests in St. Bernard and the rest of the New Orleans area, has postponed its planned Sept. 22 fund-raiser, a road race on Canal Street.

But its President and CEO Darlene Cusanza said the non-profit will reschedule the event for later this year and announce a new date shortly.

The continuing aftermath of Isaac made it difficult for many groups, including law enforcement organizations which work with Crimestoppers, to focus on a fund-raiser at this time, Cusanza said.

St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann was among law enforcement, business leaders and the New Orleans Saints organization atteneding a news conference July 13 to voice support for fund-raising efforts for Crimestoppers Inc..

Robin also directed Jackson to a vacant lot near his residence where a gun Robin stolen in the incidents was recovered, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

The group, operating from Metairie, has helped solve 12,000 crimes in 30 years by offering rewards for tips.

Crimestoppers is partnering with a realtors group for a 5-K road race to try to raise $50,000. The money would make up for national and state funding cuts that threaten the group’s youth crime prevention programs and student leadership programs, Cusanza said.

Pohlmann, who was among several who spoke at a news conference including Orleans District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro and Orleans Sheriff Marlin Gusman, said, “We are a big supporter of Crimestoppers,’’ which has received many tips that have helped solve crimes in St. Bernard, he said.

The sheriff endorsed the idea of businesses sponsoring the foot race to help raise money for Crimestoppers as well as getting behind a new program whereby the public can make a pledge to the group in memory of a crime victim.

Crimestoppers can be reached at (504) 837-8477 and tips involving wanted suspects can be made to the group at (504) 822-1111.

Sheriff Pohlmann said he hopes St. Bernard groups could help Crimestoppers if possible.

He said, “We are fortunate to have a safe community in St. Bernard and appreciate the help Crimestoppers gives us to keep it that way.”

The group has supplied tips leading to arrests in St. Bernard, based in its rewards program. “We are in this with them for the long haul,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said.