St. Bernard deputies graduate from P.O.S.T. police academy

Posted: April 27th, 2018 | Filed under: News Releases

Six St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies graduated April 27 from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy. At the graduation ceremony are, from left: graduate Dep. Brock Cadman, Retired Maj. Jimmy Bartholomae, graduates Dep. Jamie Bartholomae, Dep. Nikolaos Stafford, Dep. Cody Bienvenu and Dep. Robert Smith, Col. A. Kreger, Lt. Stephen Ingargiola, and Deputy Chief John Doran. Not pictured is graduate Dep. Vincent Scandariato.

Retired Maj. Jimmy Bartholomae congratulates his daughter, Dep. Jamie Bartholomae, on her P.O.S.T. police academy graduation, as well as for placing second in shooting and being named the first female graduate from the Slidell Academy to place in the top three.

Retired Maj. Jimmy Bartholomae, left, congratulates Dep. Brock Cadman on his graduation from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.

Col. A. Kreger, left, congratulates Dep. Vincent Scandariato on his graduation from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.

Dep. Scott Saigeon, left, congratulates Dep. Robert Smith on his graduation from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.

Col. A. Kreger, center, and Dep. Roxanne Bryant, left, congratulate Dep. Cody Bienvenu on his graduation from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.

Six St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies graduated April 27 from the Peace Officers Standards and Training, or P.O.S.T., police academy held at the Slidell Regional Police Academy.

Graduates are: Dep. Brock Cadman, Dep. Jamie Bartholomae, Dep. Nikolaos Stafford, Dep. Cody Bienvenu, Dep. Robert Smith, and Dep. Vincent Scandariato.

The academy included 569 hours of training in all aspects of law enforcement, including firearms use, criminal investigation, patrol procedures, writing reports, driving training and physical fitness.

Dep. Jamie Bartholomae also was honored for placing second in shooting and being named the first female graduate from the Slidell Academy to place in the top three.

Representing the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office at the ceremony were: Deputy Chief John Doran, Col. A. Kreger, Lt. Stephen Ingargiola, Sgt. Eric Eilers, and Retired Maj. Jimmy Bartholomae.