St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office D.A.R.E. program graduations

Posted: December 20th, 2017 | Filed under: News Releases

Our Lady of Prompt Succor School fifth-graders who were named D.A.R.E. essay winners are, first row, from left: Gabrielle Artus and Madeleine Tregle, honorable mention; Olivia Pohlmann and Grace Gaspard, first place; and Alexis Muscarello and Jack Armstrong, second place. With the winners are, second row, from left: Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Robert Broadhead, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Col. Robert McNab, Capt. Ronnie Martin and Lt. Lisa Jackson.

Sgt. Darrin Miller speaks with Our Lady of Prompt Succor School fifth graders prior to the start of their D.A.R.E. anti-drug program graduation held Dec. 19 at the school.

St. Bernard Sheriff James Pohlmann speaks to Our Lady of Prompt Succor School students about the dangers of using drugs and alcohol during their D.A.R.E. anti-drug program graduation. With Sheriff Pohlmann on stage are, from left: Lt. Robert Broadhead, Capt. Ronnie Martin and Col. Robert McNab.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor fifth-grader Abbey Sweeney with D.A.R.E. anti-drug program supervisors Lt. Lisa Jackson, left, and Sgt. Darrin Miller, right.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor fifth-grader Lacie Meyers, right, and her fellow D.A.R.E. anti-drug program graduates wait their turn to cross the stage and receive their certificates of completion.

More than 300 St. Bernard Parish fifth graders graduated from the fall semester of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Drug Abuse Resistance Education program.

Sheriff James Pohlmann said the D.A.R.E. anti-drug program, taught in St. Bernard Parish schools by program supervisor Lt. Lisa Jackson and Sgt. Darrin Miller, is aimed at discouraging youngsters from using drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, or taking part in violence or the bullying of others.

Thirty-four Our Lady of Prompt Succor students graduated from the program in a ceremony held Dec. 19 at the school.