St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Junior Deputy Academy’s 4th week

Posted: June 30th, 2017 | Filed under: News Releases

Capt. Justin Meyers speaks with Junior Deputy Academy participants inside the St. Bernard Parish Prison chapel.

Junior Deputy Academy participants visited St. Bernard Parish Prison and were able to go inside the facility’s chapel.

Dep. Darlene Ricks demonstrates cardiopulmonary resuscitation to Junior Deputy Academy program participants.

Sgt. Pamela Bartholomew, an American Red Cross certified CPR instructor, demonstrates how to perform proper chest compressions to Junior Deputy Academy participant Troy Sino, right, while Kyle Vicknair waits his turn.

Sgt. Pamela Bartholomew, who also is an American Red Cross certified CPR instructor, instructs Junior Deputy Academy participants Kyle Vicknair, left, and Brennan Cobden, right.

The St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Junior Deputy Academy’s fourth week included visits to the Parish Prison and lessons in basic first aid and CPR. The program, which began June 6, runs through July 12 and is designed to teach youngsters about the various aspects of law enforcement.