National Night Out Against Crime to be held Tuesday, Oct. 15, as event has found its permanent place in cooler fall weather; Call 278-7628 to register a party and a deputy will come to give crime prevention tips

Posted: September 24th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News

Children take off their shoes in a bounce tent at a National Night Out Against Crime gathering in Chalmette in 2012.

Children take off their shoes in a bounce tent at a National Night Out Against Crime gathering in Chalmette in 2012.

The days of miserably hot August weather for the National Night Out Against Crime celebration in St. Bernard Parish are over as the event has found a permanent home with the cooler fall weather and will be held Tuesday night, Oct. 15, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

This year marks the 30th annual celebration of National Night Out Against Crime.

St. Bernardians should call Capt. Charles Borchers at (504) 278-7628 to register any gathering of residents that night and a sheriff’s deputy will come out to give crime prevention tips and answer any questions, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

“We have seen a good response to our decision two years to move National Night Out from its past dates in early August to mid-October,’’ the sheriff said. “The weather is so much more pleasant and fun for families to be outside with others to celebrate and make a statement they refuse to put up with crime in their area. It shows you care about your neighborhood.’’

Sheriff Pohlmann also said, “We have usually had good cooperation with residents.’’ Some 30 group events were held in St. Bernard last year, some at churches and public places as well at private homes.

“We encourage getting together as a way to show that people have taken a stand against crime and intend to watch out for each other’s property,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann also said.

Typical of those holding events in 2012 was Rosetta Santiago, who had lived in Violet 37 years.

She said she began holding gatherings with friends and neighbors to celebrate the National Night Out Against Crime prior to Hurricane Katrina because she thought she needed to.

“It was bad around here then’’ because of criminal elements hanging in the area, Santiago said last year at her home on Guerra Drive. “But we cleaned it up over the years. Now we want to keep it that way.’’

Sheriff Pohlmann said, “I feel we are winning the fight against crime’’ in St. Bernard, evidenced by extremely low numbers of violent incidents – especially random incidents involving people who don’t know one another.

The sheriff said anyone who sees something suspicious happening in their area should quickly call the Sheriff’s Office at (504) 271-2501 and try to give a description of people and vehicles involved. Narcotics activity can be reported either to the same number or the sheriff’s drug hotline at 271-DOPE.

Capt. Borchers also heads the Reserve Officers Division, Neighborhood Watch programs and coordinates the free classes held for Citizens Police Academy and the free Refuse to be a Victim program. Call Borchers at 278-7628 if interested in participating in any of these programs or if you are a parish resident and would like to become a reserve deputy.

“St. Bernard needs everyone to pull together to remain a safe place to raise a family,” Borchers said. Borchers can also be called to organize a Neighborhood Watch group or sign up for the next free session he gives on “reuse to be a Victim,’’ which gives personal safety tips for residents in the parish or when they travel out of St. Bernard.

National Night Out Against Crime is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and was introduced in 1984 to strengthen participation in local anti-crime efforts.

Last year’s National Night Out campaign involved more than 30 million nationally, including residents, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, businesses and at military bases.