Hundreds turn out to participate in prayer vigil on steps of the Courthouse for the support of law enforcement and in memory of officers killed in the line of duty

Posted: July 19th, 2016 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Sheriff James Pohlmann and Parish President Guy McInnis. hold lit candles among organizers of a prayer vigil for law enforcement, held Tuesday evening on the steps of Courthouse.

Sheriff James Pohlmann and Parish President Guy McInnis. hold lit candles among organizers of a prayer vigil for law enforcement, held Tuesday evening on the steps of Courthouse.

Some of the hundreds of people who gathered for the vigil.

Some of the hundreds of people who gathered for the vigil.

 A group of St. Bernard Parish sheriff's deputies at the vigil.

A group of St. Bernard Parish sheriff’s deputies at the vigil.

Organizers of the prayer vigil were, from left, Heather Fandino, Tim Levy, Charol Armand and, in back, Brittani Gillis.

Organizers of the prayer vigil were, from left, Heather Fandino, Tim Levy, Charol Armand and, in back, Brittani Gillis.

Some of the participants in the vigil hold lit candles.

Some of the participants in the vigil hold lit candles.

Other participants in the vigil.

Other participants in the vigil.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the St. Bernard Parish Courthouse on Tuesday evening to participate in a prayer vigil for the support of law enforcement – especially the parish Sheriff’s Office – and in memory of officers killed recently in attacks on police in Baton Rouge and Dallas.

People held hands, prayed and lit candles to demonstrate their feelings.

“We feel our officers need this support,’’ Brittani Gillis said of the vigil she and three others organized. “We appreciate the
Courage it takes for them to do their jobs each day not knowing what you will walk into.’’

Gillis, Heather Fandino, Tim Levy and Charol Armand organized the prayer vigil.

“We did this to show officers we appreciate them every day,’’ Levy said from the steps of the Courthouse.

Sheriff James Pohlmann was asked to address the crowd and said. “To the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office thank you for keeping St. Bernard safe.’’

“We have a relationship (with the people) based on truth here in St. Bernard Parish,’’ the sheriff said.

“We have to get past the (anti-police) rhetoric you hear on national TV,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. We can’t let that rhetoric ruin our relationship with the community, he said. “let’s unite.’’

The sheriff also said that despite good training and being well equipped, police are at risk “if people are hell bent on killing a police officer.’’

“But we are not scared,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said of his department. “Our guys are standing on the front line.””