Groups give separate donations to the Sheriff’s Office to purchase body armor for officers and for the Reserve Division for events it worked this year

Posted: December 15th, 2015 | Filed under: SBSO News
Sheriff James Pohlmann holds one of the checks given to the department by labor unions to purchase body armor for officers. At left is Al Bostick of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and at right is Roy Serpas Jr. of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

Sheriff James Pohlmann holds one of the checks given to the department by labor unions to purchase body armor for officers. At left is Al Bostick of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and at right is Roy Serpas Jr. of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

Capt. Charles Borchers, who coordinates the Reserve Division, accepts a check from Russell Serpas Sr., Grand Knight of Rummel Council 5747 of the Knights of Columbus in Chalmette in appreciation of events the reserves worked this year. At left are Reserve Division Lt. Tony Jeansonne and at right is Reserve Division Sgt. Albert Loar.

Capt. Charles Borchers, who coordinates the Reserve Division, accepts a check from Russell Serpas Sr., Grand Knight of Rummel Council 5747 of the Knights of Columbus in Chalmette in appreciation of events the reserves worked this year. At left are Reserve Division Lt. Tony Jeansonne and at right is Reserve Division Sgt. Albert Loar.

Two groups have given separate donations to the Sheriff’s Office to purchase body armor for officers and for the Reserve Division in appreciation of work it does.

A group representing unionized workers contributed checks totaling $2,500 to Sheriff James Pohlmann on Dec. 9 to purchase body armor for officers.

Roy L. Serpas Jr., business manager-president of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 406, and Al Bostick, political director/assistant business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, presented checks to Sheriff Pohlmann on behalf of their groups. They also gave him checks from crafts of the Southeast Louisiana Building and Construction Trades.

Also, the Knights of Columbus Archbishop J.F. Rummel Council 5747 in Chalmette made a donation to the Sheriff’s Office Reserve Division on Dec. 13. The donation was in appreciation for events worked by the reserves in 2015 including the Louisiana Crawfish Festival held annually by the Knights of Columbus.

Council Grand Knight Russell Serpas Sr. gave a check to Capt. Charles Borchers, who coordinates the Reserve Division, during the ceremony.