David DiMaggio Jr. of Arabi receives $500 scholarship from La. Sheriff’s Assoc. Scholarship Program; He will attend UNO in fall

Posted: May 16th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News

David DiMaggio Jr., center, has received a $500 scholarship from the Louisiana Sheriff's Association Scholarship Program. With him are Sheriff James Pohlmann and DiMaggio's father, David DiMaggio Sr.

David DiMaggio Jr., center, has received a $500 scholarship from the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Program. With him are Sheriff James Pohlmann and DiMaggio’s father, David DiMaggio Sr.

David DiMaggio Jr., 18, of Arabi, who is graduating Holy Cross High School, has received a $500 academic scholarship from the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Program for 2013.

The son of Anna and David DiMaggio, Sr., he will attend the University of New Orleans this fall and plans to major in computer science.

The scholarship is funded through donations to the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association Honorary Membership Program.

St. Bernard Parish’s Sheriff’s Office participates in the Sheriff’s Association program and Sheriff James Pohlmann met with the winner and family members.

Qualities such as academic achievement, leadership and character are considered in making selections of sheriff’s scholarship recipients. The only limitations are that applicants be permanent residents of Louisiana, that scholarships be utilized in higher education within the state and the students be enrolled as full-time undergraduates.

Sheriff Pohlmann said, “What I like about the program is it invests in Louisiana’s future. This wouldn’t be possible without the kind and generous support of St. Bernard Parish’s honorary members.’’