Teen CERT camp involving youngsters from St. Bernard and three other parishes stressed leadership and organization skills, battling bullying and cyber threats and taught CPR and use of defibrillators

Posted: July 21st, 2014 | Filed under: News Releases
Several parents take photos as the 79 teen-agers from St. Bernard, Jefferson, Orleans and Plaquemines parishes pose after receiving their certificates.from the Teen CERT camp.

Several parents take photos as the 79 teen-agers from St. Bernard, Jefferson, Orleans and Plaquemines parishes pose after receiving their certificates.from the Teen CERT camp.

Participants in the Teen CERT camp use a mannequin to practice moving an injured person without further injury.

Participants in the Teen CERT camp use a mannequin to practice moving an injured person without further injury.

Maurya Rodriquez of Chalmette in her Teen CERT helmet.

Maurya Rodriquez of Chalmette in her Teen CERT helmet.

A participant practices CPR.

A participant practices CPR.

Several St. Bernard Parish youngsters took part in the camp at Lafreniere Park sponsored by in the Teen Community Emergency Response Team program, or CERT, with boys and girls from St. Bernard, Jefferson, Orleans and Plaquemines parishes.

St. Bernard’s Sheriff’s Office participated in the event.

The teen-agers learned basics of using a fire extinguisher, carrying out search and rescue and took part in discussions on battling bullying and watching out for cyber threats.

“We had 79 youngsters from various backgrounds and parishes work together and in the end accomplished good things like all of them being certified in CPR and the use of defrillators’’ which could could be important in the future, said Capt. Charles Borchers of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office, who part along with Dep. Sheriff Eric Eilers of St. Bernard and authorities from the other parishes involved.

“This was the first time it was done here but it is something we are going to want to participate in again and find more ways to bring other kids into it,’’ Borrchers said.

“The group seemed to enjoy itself and a number of parents were there on the last day when kids received their certificates.’’ Each child taking part received a free knap sack and shirt, as well as otems such as a helmet, a flashlight and tools.

CERT and Teen Cert are similar to the old Civil Defense groups which trained volunteers for community emergencies. CERT and Teen CERT are under the overall umbrella of U.S. Homeland Security.

Those who would like to join the adult CERT group being coordinated by the Sheriff’s Office can call Borchers at (504) 278-7628/ He can also be called ny anyone who would like to regiser for the latest free series of the Sheriff’s Citizens Police Academy, which starts Aug. 27.