Sheriff’s prison work crew plants trees and bushes to held beautify St. Bernard Highway as a state Scenic By-Way

Posted: February 20th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News

A St. Bernard Parish Sheriff Office trusty work crew, led by Deputy James Harper, joined Parks & Parkways Commissioners Joey Englert and Howard Luna, and St. Bernard Community Foundation Director Polly Campbell to plant ten large crape myrtles and nearly 50 knock-out rose bushes along St. Bernard Highway on Friday, February 15.

Parish government’s Road Crew began the effort by picking up litter, mowing and weeding earlier that same morning.

nard Highway has been designated as a State Scenic By-Way. It will serve as the entry way for the national celebration of the Bicentennial of the Battle of New Orleans in 2015.
Businesses along this scenic highway can join efforts by preventing litter, and by fencing and landscaping. For information regarding a business beautification matching grant or to make donations toward beautification efforts call 504-554-7134. Photo by Polly Campbell.