More than 300 people in 21 teams took part in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in St. Bernard Parish on April 12, raising at least $50,000 and more is expected

Posted: April 14th, 2014 | Filed under: In the Community, News Releases
More than 300 people in 21 teams took part in the April 12 Relay for Life in St. Bernard Parish to raise money to fight cancer. Some participants are shown walking the track as part of fund-raising efforts at the Hannan complex on Archbishop Hannan Boulevard in Meraux.

More than 300 people in 21 teams took part in the April 12 Relay for Life in St. Bernard Parish to raise money to fight cancer. Some participants are shown walking the track as part of fund-raising efforts at the Hannan complex on Archbishop Hannan Boulevard in Meraux.

Kathy Huff, chairperson for the Relay for Life in St. Bernard, is shown with Sheriff James Pohlmann in front of the stage at the April 12 event.

Kathy Huff, chairperson for the Relay for Life in St. Bernard, is shown with Sheriff James Pohlmann in front of the stage at the April 12 event.

More than 300 people in 21 teams took part in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in St. Bernard Parish on April 12, raising at least $50,000 to help in the fight against the illness and more is expected toward a goal of $63,000, officials said.

Kathy Huff, chairperson for the one-day event held at the old Hannan complex on Archbisho Hannan Boulevard in Meraux, said about $35,000 was pledged before hand and more than $12,000 raised at the site, with silent auctions and other fund-raising events pending as the group tries to reach the $63,000 goal.

“I want to thank members of the community who came out and supported the event’’ to help fight cancer, Huff said.

“We had over 300 people register for 21 teams’’ before the event and many people worked hard to put it on, she said.

Numerous people took turns walking around a track set up as part of the fund-raising effort.

The Relay For Life of St Bernard Parish, which began several years prior to Hurricane Katrina, honors cancer survivors, raises awareness about what can be done to reduce our cancer risk, and raises money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease.