Violet man booked with aggravated cruelty to a dog he was shown beating in a video found on a drug suspect’s cell phone after drug arrests: Probe shows dog was euthanized at an ASPCA clinic in January

Posted: April 7th, 2014 | Filed under: News Releases
At left is Asani Woods, booked with aggravated cruelty in beating of his dog; at right is Johnny Dominick, booked initially in drug arrests and later booked with accessory to aggravated cruelty of a dog after video of animal being beaten was found on his phone. Dominick took the video of the beating.

At left is Asani Woods, booked with aggravated cruelty in beating of his dog; at right is Johnny Dominick, booked initially in drug arrests and later booked with accessory to aggravated cruelty of a dog after video of animal being beaten was found on his phone. Dominick took the video of the beating.

Alvin Duplessis, booked with possession of a crack pipe in the drug arrests leading to finding the dog video.

Alvin Duplessis, booked with possession of a crack pipe in the drug arrests leading to finding the dog video.

Kordell Moore, also booked in drug arrests before video found of dog being beaten.

Kordell Moore, also booked in drug arrests before video found of dog being beaten.

A Violet man has been booked with aggravated cruelty to his dog after he was shown on a video found on a drug suspect’s cell phone putting on a boxing glove and beating the dog until apparently unconscious, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Asani Woods, 21, 2416 St. Matthew Circle, was taken into custody on Friday, March 28, after his identity was learned.

A female grey pit bull named Tiger was beaten by Woods, apparently last December, according to a time stamp on the video, which showed the animal was savagely beaten to the head and body and whimpered and cried throughout the attack. After the blows, Woods picked up the dog, who looks unconscious, and smashed her to the floor.

Sheriff Pohlmann called the video “a graphic scene of cruelty to an animal’’ who was basically defenseless after the first blow.

Under questioning from agents of the sheriff’s Special Investigations Division who found the video on the drug suspect’s cell phone, Woods expressed surprise he had been brought in and shown the video, dismissing it as “me disciplining my dog.’’ The dog had apparently created a mess in Woods’ kitchen.

Woods claimed he brought the dog to a West Bank office of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. St. Bernard Parish has a parish-run Animal Shelter in the vicinity of where Woods lives but he claimed not to know about it.

After several days of investigation, deputies have learned the dog apparently survived the attack and was brought by Woods to the West Bank ASPCA in January, according to the agency. The agency reported the animal was euthanized there in January, saying the owner had complained the dog was overly aggressive.

Woods, booked with aggravated cruelty to an animal after an arrest warrant was signed by a judge, is being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison lin lieu of bond set at $100,000.

The video was found on the cell phone of Johnny Dominick, 21, 2424 St. Matthew Circle, who after his arrest on drug charges admitted he videotaped the dog-beating. Dominick can be heard on the video encouraging Woods as Woods punches and kicks the animal.

Dominick, who was among three men arrested March 26 on drug-related charges by agents of SID, commanded by Maj. Chad Clark, was booked with being a principal to aggravated cruelty to the dog as well as the drug charges.

Dominick was booked with possession with intent to distribute three drugs: nearly a half-ounce of crack cocaine worth some $1,400, 5.2 grams of high;y potent marijuana worth $150 and 12 pills of the prescription pain-killer Tramadol. He is being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison in lieu of bond totaling $135,000.

Dominick was arrested at Jamie’s Court and Fourth Street in Violet with two other Violet men, Kordell Moore, 20, 2700 Guerra Drive, and Alvin Duplessis, 44, 2618 Daniel Drive.

Moore was sitting in a Mercedes when found and had a plastic bag containing the crack, marijuana and pain-pills inside. He was booked on the same charges as Dominick involving possession with intent to distribute and he has been released on $60,000 bond. Dominick was leaning into the vehicle Moore was sitting in and was seen handing Moore something as officers arrived. Dominick and Moore both had a smell of raw marijuana and the drugs were found in the vehicle.

Duplessis ran from the area as officers approached and when caught had a crack pipe. He was booked with possession of drug paraphernalia and flight from an officer. He was being held in lieu of $41,500 bond.