Girl Scout group donates 54 boxes of cookies to Sheriff’s Reserve Division

Posted: April 3rd, 2014 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases, SBSO News


Girl Scout Troop 40519 in Chalmette has donated 54 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the Reserve Division of the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office for its meetings, under its Gift of Caring program. Tanya Palazzalo of Chalmette, who is the leader of the Troop that ranges from sixth to twelth grades and is also a member of the sheriff’s Reserve Division, said the donation comes from a program in which people who buy Girl Scout cookies sometimes don’t actually take possession of them. Instead, they donate the boxes back to the Troop, she said. Troops often then give the untaken boxes to service-oriented groups. Shown holding cookies they donated are, in front from left, Girl Scouts Brennah Goutierrez, Meghan St. Angelo, Falyn Hardouin and Michelle Roper. Behind them are Reserve Division Deputies Sgt. Albert Loar, Tanya Palazzalo, Sgt. Scott Bowles, Simon Gonzales, Harold Larter, Lt. Mitch Perkins, Lt. Tony Jeansonne and Michael Chutz. Also, the girls are shown alone, holding an assortment of boxes of cookies and the rest in baskets.