Three men arrested in seperate burglaries and attempts, including one booked with two vehicle break-ins; Sheriff reminds residents to lock car doors

Posted: January 4th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Patrick Vaughn, booked with two auto burglaries.

Patrick Vaughn, booked with two auto burglaries.

Three men were arrested in separate burglaries and attempts recently, including one suspect booked with two vehicle break-ins, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

The sheriff also reminds residents to lock their vehicle doors because most burglaries continue to involve cars and trucks that have been left unlocked, making them targets for thieves who pull on handles, looking for ones left open. At least one of the burglaries in which arrests were made involved unlocked doors.

Patrick Vaughn, 31, 2209 E. Christie Drive in the Poydras area – who has prior arrests for burglary and possession of stolen property – was booked with two counts of burglary of vehicles and possession of property stolen, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Vaughn was initially booked Dec. 26 on one burglary count and booked with the other the next morning when he was being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison.

Both vehicles were burglarized in the parking lot of a Chalmette bar and a video surveillance camera showed Vaughn committing the crimes, the sheriff said.

Numerous stolen items were recovered.

Vaughn remained jailed, in lieu of $40,000 bond set in the case.Patrick

Separately, Ashton Domingo, 20, 2804 Oak Drive, Violet, was booked Dec. 20 with attempted burglary of a vehicle after its owner saw him pulling on a door handle just after midnight, trying to get inside. The owner began chasing Domingo, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Domingo, seen running into a residence at 2804 Oak, initially denied having been outside when deputies confronted him at his residence. But he was arrested after he was identified by the vehicle owner. Domingo later admitted he had tried to open the vehicle, the sheriff said.

Domingo was also booked with possession of a marijuana cigarette and two prescription pills that were recovered. He was jailed but there was no bond information available.

Also, on Nov. 22 a third man in a third burglary case was arrested after he tried to break into a Chalmette residence and stole tools and many other items outside the home, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Patrick Williams, 42, 601 West St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, was arrested the day of the incident after he was found and recognized based on both he and his getaway vehicle being seen on a video surveillance camera outside the residence he tried to break into, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Much of the stolen property was recovered. Also recovered at the scene of the thefts was a pair of shoes the perpetrator exchanged for a pair he stole and the name Patrick was written on the soles in blue marker.

That same day, Sheriff’s Dep. Lt. Robert Broadhead noticed a vehicle matching the one on the surveillance camera was parked next to 601 West St. Bernard Highway and investigated, the sheriff said.

When the officer found its alleged owner it was Patrick Williams, who matched the man on the surveillance footage. It was later found he wasn’t the registered owner.

Williams denied involvement in the attempted burglary and thefts, the sheriff said, but items matching those stolen were recovered in his apartment and vehicle trunk and the victim identified them as items taken. Williams also admitted it was his shoes found at the crime scene.

Williams was booked with attempted residential burglary, theft and criminal damage at the victim’s home.

He remained in St. Bernard Parish Prison in lieu of bond set at $40,000.