Archives: February2015

Masonic Lodge in Arabi honors three deputies, Shane Lulei, Ryan Lopez and Lance Kramer, for saving a child who was unresponsive after falling into a home pool

Posted: February 6th, 2015 | Filed under: Awards & Honors, News Releases
The Dominique You Masonic Lodge 468 in Arabi honored three sheriff's deputies on Feb. 4 who saved a child's life on Jan. 4. Shown at a ceremony at the lodge are, from left, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Dep. Lance Kramer, Cpl. Shane Lulei and Dep. Ryan Lopez. At right is Richard Montelongo Sr., Master of the lodge, who presented the officers framed certificates.

The Dominique You Masonic Lodge 468 in Arabi honored three sheriff’s deputies on Feb. 4 who saved a child’s life on Jan. 4. Shown at a ceremony at the lodge are, from left, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Dep. Lance Kramer, Cpl. Shane Lulei and Dep. Ryan Lopez. At right is Richard Montelongo Sr., Master of the lodge, who presented the officers framed certificates.

A Masonic Lodge in Arabi has honored three St. Bernard Parish sheriff’s deputies for their quick action on Jan. 4 which saved the life of a two-year-old boy who was unconscious after falling into a home pool in Arabi.

Deputies Ryan Lopez and Lance Kramer, joined by off-duty Cpl. Shane Lulei, were at the Perrin Drive home within minutes of the call going out about 2 p.m. They dealt with near-hysterical relatives and saved a boy who had been removed from a pool unresponsive and not breathing.

Lulei, Lopez and Kramer were recognized on Feb. 4 by the Dominique You Masonic Lodge 468 on Lebeau Street in Arabi. Richard Montelongo Sr., Master of the Lodge, presided over a ceremony in which the three were honored.

It was the second time recently a local group had recognized their efforts. The St. Bernard Kiwanis Club gave the three their Life-Saver Award on Jan. 27.

Andre Dominick, a member of the lodge and a captain with the Sheriff’s Office, told lodge members, “They did a fantastic job saving the life of a two-year-old boy.”

Sheriff James Pohlmann said he was “proud to have great employees” who remained cool and acted professionally under the pressure of an emergency situation to do what they did.

“We appreciate you doing this,’’ the sheriff said of the presentations by the Masons.

Lopez, a six-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, immediately began CPR on the child on Jan. 4, assisted by Lulei, a 13-year Sheriff’s Office veteran who has also been with the Fire Department 15 years.

Kramer, who has been with the Sheriff’s Office 10 years, primarily dealt with comforting the family of the boy, who was from Massachusetts but had been visiting relatives on Perrin Drive with his parents. Lopez and Kramer are assigned to the Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division while Lulei is in the Special Operations Division.

Lopez and Lulei worked on the child for several minutes before emergency medical technicians and Fire Department personnel arrived, with Lulei adjusting the boy’s body as Lopez did compressions.

After a while the CPR started to work, with the child showing improving signs. He began slowly spitting up water and was taken to a hospital for further treatment.

At St. Bernard Parish Hospital, both Kramer and Lulei were present when they heard the youngster cry out, a sign he was responsive again.

Lopez wasn’t at the hospital but said when he heard the news the boy was doing better it was emotional for him.

The boy remains hospitalized in New Orleans, but has been recovering.

Numerous representatives of the Sheriff’s Office also attended the Masonic Lodge ceremony.

Have a plan and think about safety on parade routes, Sheriff James Pohlmann advises residents as they celebrate Mardi Gras

Posted: February 3rd, 2015 | Filed under: Awards & Honors, News Releases

Sheriff reminds residents to think about safety on parade routes

Sheriff reminds residents to think about safety on parade routes

Sheriff James Pohlmann reminds parish residents to have a plan and think about safety on parade routes as they celebrate Mardi Gras in St. Bernard and other parishes.

“Have a great time with your family or friends at whatever parades you may choose to attend or the celebration for Carnival Day held in various parishes,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said. “But remember to think about your personal safety and the safety of your children and ways to avoid becoming a victim of crime while you are distracted by having fun.’’

Tips to keep children safe:

Watch children carefully and never leave them unattended, the sheriff said. It can be easy to get separated in a crowd.

Make sure a child knows their name, cell phone number for a parent or guardian, and their address. If they do not, write it down on a card or piece of paper, place it in their pocket and make sure they know to find a police officer and give them this information if they become separated from you. Show them a near-by officer on the street or introduce them to the officer so children know an authority figure to go to if necessary.

Also, choose a spot for everyone in a group to know they should go to if anyone becomes separated.

Do not let children climb on top, over or under barricades, Sheriff Pohlmann said. If children are using ladders to see parades, make sure the ladder won’t topple over or get pushed over by a crowd and throw a child or adult under a float or other vehicle. To help do that, it is safest to place a ladder as many feet away from the street curb as the ladder is high.

Personal Safety:

Avoid carrying or displaying large amounts of cash in a crowd; instead bring only some cash, a credit card and I.D. in a side pocket, with no wallet, and don’t wear expensive or “flashy” jewelry. Wallets in back pockets or jewelry make you the target of professional thieves and pick-pockets.

Never accept a drink from someone you do not know because it may have been spiked with something to drug you.

Be aware of your surroundings and have a plan in the event you are separated from others in your party/group. If you are visiting make sure you know the address and location of friends’ home.

Drink alcohol responsibly and always carry identification.