Archives: June2013

Man arrested who was sought in Chalmette meth operation; His wife and another woman were already in custody

Posted: June 20th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases

photo-06-20-13A 26-year-old Chalmette man sought since Wednesday in a meth operation found at his house was arrested Thursday after the Sheriff’s Office received information on him, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Dino Huy Jr., 14 West Chalmette Circle, just north of West St. Bernard Highway, was found in Chalmette by Narcotics Unit officers. Huy was already on probation in St, Tammany Parish for possession of amphetamine, authorities said.

His wife, Melissa Huy, 38, and another woman, Rachel Butler, 34, who lives on Mumphrey Road in Chalmette, were arrested Wednesday evening at the Huy residence.

Sheriff’s narcotics agents had received information that meth might be being made at the Huy house and the couple’s three young children might be in danger, the Sheri said.

Agents, assisted by the Parish Fire Department which supplied the water to decontaminate everyone in the house in a makeshift tent set up, initially found the women and children there.

Bottles and ingredients for making meth were located in a shed behind the house.

The home was later searched and a small amount of meth was seized, Sheriff Pohlmann said. It was described as a small meth operation.

Both of the Huys and Butler have been booked with operating a meth lab, possession of meth and child endangerment.

The husband and wife were additionally both booked with manufacture of meth.

The children, two girls 5 months old and 7 years old, and a 4- year-boy, were all examined at Children’s Hospital and later released to family relatives.

Pending the outcome of tests on the kids, the three suspects could face further charges, authorities said.

Melissa Huy was being held in St. Bernard Prison in lieu of $350,000 bond, while Butler was held in lieu of $175,000 bond.

No bond has been set for Dino Huy Jr..

Sheriff’s narcotics agents break up small meth lab behind Chalmette house; 2 women arrested and a man sought; Three young children were decontaminated

Posted: June 19th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Suspects Rachel Butler, in foreground, and Melissa Huy, in background, both of Chalmette, are handcuffed and sitting on the ground outside Huy’s home after their arrests late Wednesday afternoon.

Suspects Rachel Butler, in foreground, and Melissa Huy, in background, both of Chalmette, are handcuffed and sitting on the ground outside Huy’s home after their arrests late Wednesday afternoon.

St. Bernard firefighters put up a makeshift tent and provided water to decontaminate children and the suspects involved in the meth lab operation.

St. Bernard firefighters put up a makeshift tent and provided water to decontaminate children and the suspects involved in the meth lab operation.

Narcotics Agent Daniel Bostic talks with the suspects on the ground, Rachel Butler in the foreground and Melissa Huy in the background.

Narcotics Agent Daniel Bostic talks with the suspects on the ground, Rachel Butler in the foreground and Melissa Huy in the background.

Cpl. Jessica Gernados of the St. Bernard sheriff’s Narcotics Unit puts on a decontamination suit, aided by a parish firefighter, as she prepares to decontaminate three young children who lived in a Chalmette house where a small meth lab was operating in a shed behind the home, authorities said.

Cpl. Jessica Gernados of the St. Bernard sheriff’s Narcotics Unit puts on a decontamination suit, aided by a parish firefighter, as she prepares to decontaminate three young children who lived in a Chalmette house where a small meth lab was operating in a shed behind the home, authorities said.

Two women were arrested and one’s husband is sought after St. Bernard Parish narcotics agents broke up a small meth lab behind a Chalmette house late Wednesday afternoon, acting on information that three young children in the house could be in danger, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Two girls, one an infant 5 months-old and the other 7 years-old, and a 4-year-old boy, lived with their mother and her husband at the house at 14 West Chalmette Circle, just off St. Bernard Highway across from the port of St. Bernard office building, the sheriff said.

All three children were decontaminated as a precaution, in a makeshift tent set up outside by St. Bernard firefighters, then were to be taken to Children’s Hospital for examination.

Arrested about 5 p.m. were Melissa Huy, 38, mother of the children, who lived at the house with her husband, Dino Huy Jr., 26. Also arrested was Rachel Butler, 34, 2817 Mumphrey Road, Chalmette, who was in the house, Sheriff Pohlomann said. Both will be booked with manufacture of methamphetamine and endangerment of juveniles.

Dino Huy wasn’t home and is being sought on the same counts, the sheriff said. Narcotics agent spoke with the husband by cell phone but he hadn’t surrendered by Wednesday evening and a warrant for his arrest will be sought, authorities said. They said Dino Huy is currently on probation from St. Tammany Parish for possession of amphetamine.

The two women were also to be decontaminated as a precaution before they can be brought into St. Bernard Prison to be booked.

Narcotics agents, commanded by Major Chad Clark, had received information that meth might be being made at the residence and the children there could be in danger.

Officers found bottles and ingredients for making meth in a shed behind the house and described it as a small meth operation, the sheriff said.

He said sheriff’s officials believe meth was being made and used and the house will be searched Wednesday night with the help of a meth team from the St. Tammany Sheriff’s Office. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration is sending a clean-up crew for the house, the sheriff said.

New 35-ft. patrol boat to be operated by St. Bernard Port and the Sheriff’s Office; Can scan 50 feet and is useful for searching water bottoms, sea walls and ship hulls for contraband and for rescue or recovery efforts

Posted: June 14th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases
Sheriff James Pohlmann aboard the new patrol boat, with Deputy Sheriff Shane Lulei, one of several sheriff's personnel who are trained to operated the vessel and its scanning system.

Sheriff James Pohlmann aboard the new patrol boat, with Deputy Sheriff Shane Lulei, one of several sheriff’s personnel who are trained to operated the vessel and its scanning system.

Sheriff Pohlmann on the new patrol boat.

Sheriff Pohlmann on the new patrol boat.

St. Bernard Parish’s Port, Harbor & Terminal District has purchased a 35-foot patrol boat through federal Port Security grant funds, in a move which enhances capabilities for search, rescue or recovery efforts by the Port and the Sheriff’s Office, which will jointly operate it through a cooperative agreement.

Port Executive Director Dr. Robert Scafidel and Sheriff James Pohlmann announced the agreement in which sheriff’s deputies have been trained to operate the vessel, along with Port staff.

A big feature is a sonar scanning camera and software, which provides the better capability for search, rescue or recovery by the Port and the Sheriff’s Office, Scafidel and Sheriff Pohlmann said.

The vessel, which is eight-feet wide and weighs 12,000 pounds, can scan distances more than 50 feet and would be useful on water bottoms, ship hulls and docks, officials said.

Built in Louisiana and ready for operation, it cost about $325,000, funded at 75 percent by the federal grant program and with a 25 percent match from the state of Louisiana. The Port, Harbor & Terminal District has a 5-member board of commissioners which approved the project.

“This helps both of our agencies, the Sheriff’s Office and the Port, protect citizens of St. Bernard Parish,’’ said Scafidel. “We had the opportunity to get this capability to operate on the Mississippi River and are very pleased with it.’’

Scafidel added, “We approached Sheriff Pohlmann about a cooperative agreement between us because we thought it was something the sheriff could use.

“Its main purpose is to help cover the river but it would be useful in other bodies of water,’’ he said.

Sheriff Pohlmann said, “I appreciate the cooperative agreement offer from the Port,” because use of the boat and its scanning capability “could be invaluable in situations including a search after an accident on water or looking for submerged threats.’’

The craft is powered by twin 350 Yamaha outboard motors and has water-cooled air-conditioning and generator systems. It can reach a speed of up to 40 knots and has a 30-foot draft.

Capt. Brian Clark, head of the sheriff’s Marine Division, and Dep. Sheriff Shane Lulei have been trained in operation of the vessel and scanning system, Sheriff Pohlmann said. Ryan Fayard and Heath Ragas of St. Bernard Port trained on the scanning equipment along with Clark and Lulei.

St. Bernard residents can get extra sheriff’s patrols at their home while on vacation; Call (504) 278-7763 or 271-2501; Vacation crime prevention tips listed

Posted: June 12th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases, SBSO News, Tips & Resources

Before going on vacation or leaving for business, St. Bernard Parish residents should call the Sheriff’s Office and get on the list to have extra passes made at their home by patrol deputies, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

“When thinking about the last-minute things you have to do before leaving, remember to call the Sheriff’s Office at (504) 278-7763 or 271-2501 and get on the extra patrol list,” Sheriff Pohlmann said.

He added, “That information is kept confidential’’ and revealed only to the officers assigned to patrol the section where the caller lives.

The sheriff said residents should also leave a contact number with the Sheriff’s Office so a patrol deputy can call them if there is something wrong at a home, including non crime-related matters such as damage from a wind or rain storm. St. Bernard has fewer residents than before Hurricane Katrina eight years ago, meaning there are fewer eyes on the streets in some neighborhoods to watch for suspicious actions, Sheriff Pohlmann said. “That makes signing up for the extra patrols at your home more valuable now.’’

Capt. Charles Borchers, head of Community Relations for the Sheriff’s Office including the Neighborhood Watch program, said the extra pass list has been used effectively for years and helps residents be assured their homes will have some extra protection while they are away.

Also, St. Bernard residents interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch group in their area can call Borchers at (504) 278-7628.
Borchers said residents should consider the following crime prevention tips before leaving their home for trips:

• Lock up. While this might seem obvious, some people forget to lock their house completely while rushing to get away. Make sure all doors and windows are locked.

• Be careful who you tell that you plan to be away from your home. However, ask someone you trust to watch for anything unusual. Also, never leave a message on a phone voice mail system saying you are out of town because any caller would learn your house may be vulnerable.

• Do whatever possible to create the appearance someone is home. Keep a vehicle in the driveway or out front of your residence. Maintain your lawn before you leave or have someone you trust mow your lawn while you are gone.

• Put outdoor lighting on either timers, light-sensitive photocell mechanisms, or motion detectors. Use timers to activate inside lighting, radios, or TVs. Use the new fluorescent (cfl) light bulbs because they burn cooler than the standard light bulbs.

• Don’t let deliveries accumulate. If possible, ask someone you know to pick up mail, newspapers, packages and any circulars placed on your front door. Stop delivery of any newspaper if you can so they don’t pile up.

• Don’t leave keys under your doormat, flower pots or window ledges—intruders check these first.

• Keep shrubbery trimmed. Thick shrubbery and trees cover your windows, allowing burglars to work undetected.

• If you have a security system, ensure it is armed and provide instructions to the central monitoring station, – if you have one – to call your cell phone, the Sheriff’s Office and/or a particular friend, relative or neighbor if there is a problem.

• If your area has a Neighborhood Watch program inform officials about your vacation plans.

Woman who binge-shoplifted in three Chalmette stores caught while trying to make it four: $393 of stolen items recovered; Also, couple arrested in a burglary where a credit card was stolen and used

Posted: June 11th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Amanda Chanson, caught after 4-store shoplifting binge in Chalmette

Amanda Chanson, caught after 4-store shoplifting binge in Chalmette

Crystal Nunez, booked with burglary in Violet

Crystal Nunez, booked with burglary in Violet

A Violet woman who binge-shoplifted Monday, June 10, from three stores in the same Chalmette shopping center was caught by a sheriff’s deputy while trying to make it four, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Amanda Chanson, 33, 1954 Licciardi Lane, was booked with theft of goods from four stores and is being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison in lieu of $10,000 bond.

Stolen items worth a total of $393 were recovered from four stores.

Dep. Gary Noriea, sent to 8400 West Judge Judge Drive to investigate reported shoplifted about 2 p.m., found Chanson, fitting the description of the reported shoplifter. She was in a dollar store, sitting on the floor and placing an opened pack of cigarette lighters in her purse, the sheriff said.

The woman also had a white plastic bag with items inside, all in a large purse, a sheriff’s report of the incident said.

When she gave consent to a search of the bag, the deputy found numerous things from three other stores located in the same shopping center, mostly jewelry and clothing items.

When asked about receipts, Chanson said she had none and admitted she stole the items, the sheriff said.

Officials at three other stores in the same shopping center said the same woman was seen in their stores concealing items and one had called the Sheriff’s Office.

In an unrelated matter, a Violet couple was booked June 4 with unauthorized use of a credit card taken in a recent vehicle burglary and the woman was also booked with that burglary, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Crystal Nunez, 31, and Ralph Topey, 31, both of 2325 General Pershing Drive, were arrested after admitting their involvement after an investigation by Det. Sgt. Donald Johnson.

They were together May 18 when Nunez entered an unlocked vehicle in Violet and took a credit card from a wallet inside, the sheriff said.

Then they both tried to use the stolen credit card the same day at a gas station where they met a man who agreed to give them cash if they used the card to buy gasoline for him. But the card wasn’t accepted at the pump and they left after Nunez argued with an employee about the card not working.

Also on May 18, the stolen card was accepted at a different gasoline station pump and was used to buy $60 of gas.

Nunez, booked with burglary and unauthorized use of an access card, is jailed in lieu of $12,000 bond. Topey, booked on the access card count, has been released on $10,000 bond.

Sheriff’s Office holding SWAT training exercises in St. Bernard Parish schools

Posted: June 10th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News
Officers burst into a room to check it during an exercise.

Officers burst into a room to check it during an exercise.

Officers prepare to enter a school hallway.

Officers prepare to enter a school hallway.

Det. Sgt. Donald Johnson, left, and Dep. Sheriff Jason Spadoni are about to bring mobile shields into the school for use in the training.

Det. Sgt. Donald Johnson, left, and Dep. Sheriff Jason Spadoni are about to bring mobile shields into the school for use in the training.

Sheriff’s SWAT team members climb a stairwell as they train at Lynn Oaks School in eastern St. Bernard.

Sheriff’s SWAT team members climb a stairwell as they train at Lynn Oaks School in eastern St. Bernard.

Using the summer break, the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office has begun SWAT team training exercises in schools to familiarize themselves with the layout of buildings and practice tactics, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

“In today’s environment, it’s crucial to be prepared for anything,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said, “and the best way to do that is to train, in this case walk through the schools. You hope you never have to deal with the kind of incidents that have happened in some parts of the country.’’

Many schools in St. Bernard Parish have been entirely rebuilt since Hurricame Katrina and officers need to familiarize themselves with new layouts, the sheriff said.

“The summer break, with schools closed, is a good time to do this,’’ he said. Maj. Robert McNab, commander of the Criminal Investigations Bureau, heads the SWAT team.

As well as the SWAT training, numerous St. Bernard deputies from all divisions have attended active-shooter training exercises covering various types of situations, the sheriff emphasized.

Both public and private schools would be involved in the SWAT training.

Training in public schools would be in coordination with Superintendent of Schools Doris Voitier’s office.

S.O. seeks I.D on SUV seen in area and at same time of a spree which caused $5,000 damage to 7 parked cars in Buccaneer North area of Chalmette early June 4; Call 271-2501

Posted: June 7th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

SBSO trying to identify this SUV seen at 4 a.m. in same area where $5,000 damage done to 7 cars in Chalmette.

SBSO trying to identify this SUV seen at 4 a.m. in same area where $5,000 damage done to 7 cars in Chalmette.

Home surveillance cameras have yielded a photo of an SUV in the immediate area and at the same time when a spree of damage totaling some $5,000 was done to 7 parked vehicles in the Buccaneer North area of Chalmette early June 4, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Anyone in the light-colored SUV shown on Evangeline Drive at 4 a.m. Tuesday may either have seen suspicious activity or took part in the crimes, the sheriff said. Sheriff’s detectives would like to question them on whether they noticed anything unusual. Anyone with information should call SBSO at (504) 271-2501.

One or more people threw ceramic items and bricks, all stolen from the lawns of two homes in the area, and broke front or back windshields of vehicles on several streets about 4 a.m. and caused other damage.

One still photo was obtained from a video on a home camera system on Evangeline Drive and that one and another one on Kings Drive have video that are being enhanced to reveal more about the SUV, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

He said the damage amounts to $5,000 and anyone involved would face when caught felony charges of criminal damage to property as well as theft for the items taken that were thrown at the vehicles.

“These were pointless crimes of opportunity,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said, adding the only aim seemed to be to vandalize the parked vehicles. Nothing apparently was stolen in the incidents.

Maybe it was young people who didn’t realize the severity of what they were doing or someone who didn’t care, the sheriff said.

The sheriff is asking for the public’s help in identifying anyone involved in the incidents or someone who may have been in the SUV. Call the Sheriff’s Office at 271-2501 or call Det. Sgt. Anthony Bruscato, who is handling the case, at 277-7755.

Vehicles were damaged on Kings Drive, Imperial drive, Patricia Street and Hamlet Street, with the biggest number vandalized on Kings Drive.

All were damaged by thrown ceramic items or bricks that were traced to thefts early Tuesday morning from the front of two Chalmette residences, on Benjamin Street and Shangri-La Drive, the sheriff said.

N.O. man sought for dragging a Violet woman by an arm for 50 feet while driving away after an argument;

Posted: June 6th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases

Lydell Jones, 23, of New Orleans, wanted for dragging a Violet woman 50 feet while driving

Lydell Jones, 23, of New Orleans, wanted for dragging a Violet woman 50 feet while driving

A New Orleans man is wanted on a felony battery count for dragging a Violet woman by an arm for 50 feet while quickly driving away after an argument, injuring her as she tumbled in the street, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Lydell Jones, 23, whose last address was 918 Andry St., is wanted on an arrest warrant signed by a judge alleging aggravated battery in the May 31 incident in which the 22-year-old woman was treated at a hospital and later released.

Anyone knowing Jones’ whereabouts should call the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office at (504) 271-2501 or Crimestoppers at 822-1111.

It happened in the 3300 block of Stacie Drive in Violet at about 9 p.m., the sheriff said.

When deputies arrived, the woman complained of pain to her right side, back and neck and had brush burns on her elbows and knees from hitting the ground while being dragged, the sheriff said.

Her shoes were still in the street when deputies got there, having been knocked off as she tumbled over during the incident. Deputies estimated she was dragged about 50 feet, trying to run as best she could before hitting the ground and he then released the arm he held.

She was taken by ambulance to St. Bernard Parish Hospital to be examined and has been released.

The woman said she and Jones, who know each other, had gotten into an altercation in her home over a personal matter and she asked him to leave.

He complied, going to his vehicle, she said, and she left the house to go across the street and see a neighbor because she was scared.

As she stepped into the street, Jones allegedly pulled along side her in his Nissan SUV, reached outside the driver’s window and grabbed her by an arm and accelerated quickly, continuing to hold on to her, a sheriff’s report of the incident said.

Jones, who has served time in prison for drug convictions, drove away after releasing her to the ground and wasn’t found at the time by deputies, the report said.

Sheriff’s detectives, following up on the initial report, sought the arrest warrant from a judge for aggravated battery, which is a felony.

Sheriff’s Office asking for help identifying people who went on a spree of damaging 7 parked vehicles by throwing stolen ceramic items and bricks at them

Posted: June 5th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

One of more people went on a spree of damaging seven parked vehicles in an area of Chalmette early Tuesday morning by throwing stolen ceramic items and bricks at them, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

“These were pointless crimes of opportunity,’’ Sheriff Pohlmann said, adding that the only aim seemed to be to vandalize parked vehicles.

The sheriff is asking for the public’s help in identifying anyone involved in the incidents or giving a possible description of a vehicle involved. If you have information, call the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office at (504) 271-2501.

Nothing was apparently stolen from the vehicles that were damaged on Imperial Drive, Kings Drive, Patricia Street and Hamlet Street. Most were parked on Kings Drive.

Some vehicles had windshields or windows broken out and some had less damage.

All were damaged by thrown ceramic items or bricks that were traced to two thefts early Tuesday morning from the front of two Chalmette residences, on Benjamin Street and Shangri-La Drive, the sheriff said.