Archives: May2013

Two men arrested in separate break-ins; one caught while pawning items just stolen in a vehicle burglary; Also, woman booked with stealing money in a ruse

Posted: May 30th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Elroy West, 48, arrested in business burglary

Elroy West, 48, arrested in business burglary

Vincent Paola, 25, arrested in three vehicle burglaries

Vincent Paola, 25, arrested in three vehicle burglaries

A Gonzales man was booked with several vehicle burglaries in Chalmette and was caught while pawning items just stolen in one of the break-ins, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

In an unrelated case, an Arabi man was booked with a business burglary in Arabi after he was caught when sheriff’s deputies responding to an alarm going off from the company saturated the area and found the suspect walking and carrying an end table stolen from the business, the sheriff said.

In a third unrelated matter, a Kenner woman was booked with theft and criminal mischief when she tried to steal money from a Chalmette man she knew by falsely reporting she had been robbed of his money, the sheriff said.

The woman was arrested when deputies found the missing money on her and she confessed to making up a story to steal the man’s cash.

Vincent Paola, 27, of Gonzales, who reportedly has a relative who lives in St. Bernard Parish, was arrested May 22 and booked with three vehicle burglaries, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Paola was arrested at a pawn shop in St. Bernard Parish as he tried to pawn items recently stolen in the burglaries, authorities said. Items including tools were stolen and recovered.

Paola is being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison in lieu of bond of $32,500

In the other burglary case, Elroy West, 48, of Arabi, no address available, was arrested recently, shortly after the Sheriff’s Office was called to an Arabi business where a burglar alarm had sounded about 3:30 a.m.

The business had been burglarized and ransacked, with various items thrown on the floor including a drawer from an end table that was missing, the sheriff said.

Dep. Sheriff Jason Spadoni, looking for a possible suspect, found West walking eastbound on the shoulder of West St. Bernard Highway, carrying an end table on his head.

When asked to put down the table, it was missing a drawer.

West was detained until an employee of the burglarized business came to the scene and identified the table West had as the one taken from the lobby of the business, the sheriff said.

West was booked with business burglary, possession of stolen property and criminal damage to property at the business. He was being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison in lieu of $35,000 bond.

In the third arrest, Destinie Hammond, 22, of Kenner, was booked with theft and criminal mischief on May 26, accused of stealing from a man she knew and falsely reporting she had been forced into a van, groped by four men and robbed of money the man she knew had loaned her to go to a store.

The woman was taken to St. Bernard Hospital to be examined after reporting the crime she claimed had happened. When she undressed and got into a hospital gown, her clothes were collected as evidence for the investigation of her claims, authorities said.

A crumpled $20 bill fell from one of her pockets and more money was found in the pockets, with the total found matching the total amount and in the same denominations as the missing money, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Questioned by Dep. Jeffery Westerfield, Hammond admitted she lied about being forced into a van and said she kept the money given her, the sheriff said.

The victim was given his money back and said he wanted to press charges. She was booked into St. Bernard Parish Prison for misdemeanor theft of the money and criminal mischief for the false report. There was no bond information available.

Man on parole for heroin and cocaine convictions arrested with same drugs again after refusing to exit a car when it’s driver was stopped for speeding; Also, woman booked with drugs after caught shoplifting

Posted: May 30th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Shedric Williams, 36, booked with heroin and cocaine

Shedric Williams, 36, booked with heroin and cocaine

Claudette Allen, booked with cocaine and marijuana after she and a man were arrested for shoplifting.

Claudette Allen, booked with cocaine and marijuana after she and a man were arrested for shoplifting.

A man on parole for guilty pleas involving heroin and cocaine was arrested on the same charges again when drugs were found on him after he refused commands to exit a vehicle when it’s driver was stopped for speeding, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Also, a New Orleans woman was booked on cocaine and marijuana counts after she and a man were caught with stolen goods they had just shoplifted from an Arabi store, the sheriff said.

Shedric Williams, 36, of New Orleans, was booked May 23 with possession with intent to distribute 1.4 grams of heroin worth more than $300 on the streets and 4.6 grams of crack cocaine, worth more than $400.

Williams was initially booked with resisting an officer when he refused to get out of a vehicle stopped for speeding on West St. Bernard Highway in Arabi. A passenger in the vehicle, he was ordered out because he was seen by officers making furtive movements and shoving his hands into his rear waistband after the traffic stop, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Agents from the sheriff’s Special Investigations Division removed him after a struggle when he refused to get out, the sheriff said. Williams was also wanted on traffic attachments from New Orleans.

Taken to St. Bernard Parish Prison, where new prisoners are searched before entering the inmate population, the heroin and cocaine were found secreted on his body.

Williams, who was on parole until later this year from his 2009 drug convictions, is jailed without bond.

In the unrelated case, Claudette Allen, 47, and Wayne Marshall, 32, who live together in New Orleans, were booked May 28 with theft of goods at a store in Arabi. They were caught with stolen items in their vehicle as they tried to leave the parking lot after store officials called the Sheriff’s Item to report the shoplifting, the sheriff said.

Allen was also booked with illegal possession of a pill found in their vehicle, which she said was hers.

But Allen was also booked with possession with intent to distribute 1.5 grams of crack cocaine packaged in four bags and 2.4 grams of marijuana packaged in three bags. The drugs were found under the backseat of the squad car that took her to jail after she was seen moving about in the seat.

After the discovery, Allen began laughing and said, “Oh yeah. That’s mine,’’ according to a sheriff’s report of the arrests.

Allen is jailed in lieu of bond set at $37,500 and Marshall is held in lieu of $5,000 bond.


Posted: May 29th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, News Releases

Beginning Thursday May 30, 2013 there will be lane closures along the East Bound side of Judge Perez Drive starting at Paris Road and extending to the Violet Canal Bridge. The closures will be due to the Department Of Transportation and Development making repairs to these sections of our State Highway, and will last for several weeks.

Sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program holds graduations at Willie Smith Elementary in Violet

Posted: May 29th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, D.A.R.E. Program, In the Community, News Releases, SBSO News

photo-05-31-13Graduation ceremonies for the sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program were held recently for fifth-graders at Willie Smith Elementary in Violet. The D.A.R.E. program, commanded by Lt. Lisa Jackson, teaches a message of resisting drugs, alcohol, tobacco or taking part in violence or bullying. D.A.R.E. essay winners shown are, in front row from left, Diondra Fernandez, runner -up; first-place winners Breonte Jones, Stephanie McKay and Gianni Baldwin; and runner-ups Amhod Junius and Martez Whidby. In back row, from left, are Lt. Lisa Jackson, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Maj. Chad Clark and Lt. Ricky Jackson.

D.A.R.E. graduation held at C.F. Rowley School in Chalmette

Posted: May 26th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, D.A.R.E. Program, News Releases, SBSO News


D.A.R photo_05-30-13

The graduation ceremony for fifth-graders in the sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program at C.F. Rowley School in Chalmette was held May 22. D.A.R.E. essay winners were, in front from left, runners-ups MaKayla Blake and Janeshia Gibson and first-place winners Tommy Briggs and Gary Barrow. In back row are D.A.R.E. instructors Sgt. Darrin Miller and Lt. Lisa Jacksion, commander of the D.A.R.E. program, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Maj. Chad Clark and Principal Pat Pourciau. Also, students in the program are showin singing the D.A.R.E. theme song,

St. Bernard sheriff’s deputies, state Wildlife Dept. agents and associates of the Arc center for adults with intellectual disabilities took part in Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics La.

Posted: May 26th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, In the Community, SBSO News
Sheriff's deputies, intellectually challenged adult associates from Arc and others begin the Torch Run for Special Olympics, leaving the Arc center grounds.

Sheriff’s deputies, intellectually challenged adult associates from Arc and others begin the Torch Run for Special Olympics, leaving the Arc center grounds.

Arc associates used three-wheel bicycles, walked and also ran in the Torch Run.

Arc associates used three-wheel bicycles, walked and also ran in the Torch Run.

Participants approach the end of the Torch Run, back to the Arc center in Chalmette.

Participants approach the end of the Torch Run, back to the Arc center in Chalmette.

Jean Lafitte Parkway in Chalmette came alive with spirit on Friday, May 24, during the St. Bernard leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Louisiana.

About 35 deputies from the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office, agents from the state Wildlife and Fisheries Department and several parish residents participated in the run which started and ended at the Arc’s center at 3700 Jean Lafitte Parkway in Chalmette.

Also walking, running and riding three-wheel bicycles were associates of Arc, a day center for adults with intellectual disabilities. The building is in the rebuilt rectory of the old Prince of Peace Catholic Church and the grounds where the church stood is now a large garden where vegetables are grown for sale.

The Arc, which has several counselors, provides a support system for about 30 intellectually disabled adults from St. Bernard Parish and areas of Plaquemines Parish and eastern New Orleans. Other adults work the garden operation. Kristi Andre is coordinator of the Arc center.

Sheriff’s deputies provided motorcycle and patrol car escorts for the run and Sheriff James Pohlmann visited the Arc before the Torch Run to congratulate participants.

The aim of the run is to bring awareness to Special Olympics Louisiana and the State Summer Games held each May in Hammond. The event in St. Bernard has raised in excess of $500 for Special Olympics each of the past several years

The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics was celebrating its 30th year. More than 2,000 law enforcement officers take part statewide.

Arabi man had 10 oz. of synthetic marijuana in a truck and, in his house, an AK-47 assault rifle with 508 rounds of ammo, other weapons and $5,000 cash

Posted: May 25th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
thompsonandmuscutt-002 thompsonandmuscutt03

An Arabi man had 10 ounces of synthetic marijuana in his truck and, in his house, an AK-47 assault rifle with 508 rounds of ammunition for it, extended magazines, as well as other weapons, $5,000 cash and packaging to sell the drug, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

Kyle Muscutt, 23. 313 Livingston Drive, had allegedly been selling synthetic marijuana in small amounts, the sheriff said. He said the synthetic marijuana found had a street value of about $3,000.

Sheriff’s narcotics agents, who had information Muscutt had the AK-47 and large amounts of ammo, had a warrant from a judge to search his residence and vehicle but waited until Muscutt left his home to make contact with him on Wednesday, May 22, said Maj. Chad Clark, head of the Special Investigations Division.

When initially approached, Muscutt had a bag containing vegetable matter on and $324 cash.

He was detained and brought back to his house, where the serach warrant was executed on the house and his truck.

The fully automatic assault rifle with bayonet was found in his bedroom, with two ammunition cans containing 508 7.62 mm rounds for the weapon with several extended magazines. There was also a shotgun and two other guns and packaging to sell synthetic marijuana, along with drug paraphernaloia.

A bank bag with $5,000 cash, presumed profits from drug-dealing, was seized from under a bedroom dresser.

In Muscutt’s truck, there were about 10 ounces of synthetic marijuana and several pre-packaged gram-size bags of the material. Ten ounces would be 280 grams. There were also several hundred bags for packaging the drug and flavor enhancers for it.

Also in the truck was found several hundred .20-gauge rounds.

Muscutt was booked with possession with intent to distribute synthetic marijuana, possession of a firearm while in possession of a controlled, dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Muscutt, who authorities said was once in the National Guard but was court-martialed for possession of synthetic marijuana, was booked into St. Bernard Parish Prison.

He is is being held in lieu of bond set at $45,000, with a cash requirement.

Sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for fifth-graders holds graduations at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School and Lacoste Elementary

Posted: May 22nd, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, D.A.R.E. Program, News Releases, SBSO News

Fifth-graders at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School prepare to sing the D.A.R.E. theme song to their parents and teachers.

Fifth-graders at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School prepare to sing the D.A.R.E. theme song to their parents and teachers.

At Our Lady of prompt Succor School, from left are Lt. Lisa Jackson, teachers Anne Fabian and Rachel Vogt, 2nd place D.A.R.E. essay winners Joey Bazile and Katie Mahler; first place essay winners Emily Zepeda and Kelsey Juan, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson, Maj. Chad Clark, Capt. Ronnie Martin and mascot Daren the Lion, portrayed by Cpl. Jessica Gernados.

At Our Lady of prompt Succor School, from left are Lt. Lisa Jackson, teachers Anne Fabian and Rachel Vogt, 2nd place D.A.R.E. essay winners Joey Bazile and Katie Mahler; first place essay winners Emily Zepeda and Kelsey Juan, Sgt. Darrin Miller, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson, Maj. Chad Clark, Capt. Ronnie Martin and mascot Daren the Lion, portrayed by Cpl. Jessica Gernados.

D.A.R.E. essay winners at Lacoste Elementary were Angela Romero-Barron, Kieran Marshall, Taylor Meyer, Logan Dusang and Victoria Pecunia and with them are Lacoste Principal Stacie Alfonso. In the back row are D.A.R.E. instructors Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Lisa Jackson and Capt. Ronnie Martin, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson and Maj. Chad Clark.

D.A.R.E. essay winners at Lacoste Elementary were Angela Romero-Barron, Kieran Marshall, Taylor Meyer, Logan Dusang and Victoria Pecunia and with them are Lacoste Principal Stacie Alfonso. In the back row are D.A.R.E. instructors Sgt. Darrin Miller, Lt. Lisa Jackson and Capt. Ronnie Martin, Sheriff James Pohlmann, Lt. Richard Jackson and Maj. Chad Clark.

Some of the .D.A.R.E. program graduates at Lacoste Elementary perform the D.A.R.E. theme song.

Some of the .D.A.R.E. program graduates at Lacoste Elementary perform the D.A.R.E. theme song.

The sheriff’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for fifth-graders held graduations recently at Our Lady of Prompt Succor School and Lacoste Elementary.

Sheriff James Pohlmann and Maj. Chad Clark, head of the Special Investigations Division which includes the Narcotics Unit, spoke to the children about the importance of making good choices in life and avoiding drugs, bullying, violence, alcohol and tobacco.

Lt. Lisa Jackson is head of the D.A.R.E. program and Sgt. Darrin Miller is an instructor in the program with her.

SID officers Capt. Ronnie Martin, Lt. Richard Jackson and Cpl. Jessica Gernados – who appeared in costume as Daren the Lion, mascot of the national D.A.R.E. program – also took part from the Sheriff’s Office.

17-year-old Arabi boy on a bicycle killed when struck by a motorist while crossing East Judge Perez Drive

Posted: May 21st, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases

A 17-year-old Arabi boy riding a bicycle was struck by a motorist Monday, May 20, when he tried to cross East Judge Perez Drive in the Meraux area and died later at a hospital, Louisiana State Police said.

Chase Naquin of Arabi was hit about 1:40 p.m. and died after being brought to University Hospital in New Orleans, authorities said.

Preliminary investigation indicated the teen-ager, riding a mountain bicycle near Deer Creek Street, was heading west on the eastbound shoulder of Louisiana 39 against traffic and for unknown reasons turned into the eastbound lanes of travel, State Police said in a release.

He was struck in the left lane of the highway by a 2006 Ford Fusion driven by Katy Alfonso, 30, of Violet, State Police said.

Naquin was transported to the hospital with serious injuries and was pronounced dead at approximately 9 p.m., authorities said. Alfonso wasn’t injured.

Speed and impairment are not considered factors of the crash, State Police said. The crash remains under investigation.

According to Louisiana law, State Police said, bicycles must travel in the same direction as traffic and obey all traffic laws.

Two home burglaries and a felony theft at a Chalmette store solved; total of five people arrested and nearly all stolen property and cash recovered

Posted: May 19th, 2013 | Filed under: News Releases
Jason Deogracias, suspect in eastern St. Bernard burglary

Jason Deogracias, suspect in eastern St. Bernard burglary

Jessica Guidroz, booked with burglary with Deogracias

Jessica Guidroz, booked with burglary with Deogracias

Christopher Fetter, booked in Arabi burglary

Christopher Fetter, booked in Arabi burglary

Sheriff’s detectives have solved two home burglaries, arresting four people, and, in a third case a man was arrested in a felony theft at a Chalmette store. Nearly all of the stolen property and cash in the three cases was recovered, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

On May 15, a man and a woman were booked in connection with a home burglary in eastern St. Bernard Parish in which numerous pieces of jewelry, cash and other items were stolen.

Jason Deogracias, 33, of Arabi, and Jessica Guidroz, 35, were both arrested at her home at 2105 Tiffany Court in eastern St. Bernard, the sheriff said, after information developed after the burglary led to the couple.

All of the jewelry and much of the cash were recovered and it was learned Guidroz had spent some of the stolen money on goods at a Chalmette store, which agreed to refund the money for the return of the merchandise she purchased, Sheriff Pohlmann said.

Deogracias and Guidroz were both booked with burglary of an inhabited dwelling and he was additionally booked with possession of crack cocaine. Both are being held in St. Bernard Parish Prison, where he has a probation hold and has no bond, while Guidroz is being held in lieu of $12,000 bond.

In the other burglary case, an Arabi couple was booked May 8 in connection with a home burglary near where they lived and stolen property was recovered, the sheriff said.

Christopher Fetter, 26, 105 Bear Drive, was booked with residence burglary and possession of stolen property worth more than $1,000, while Tashina Hayes, 28, 100 Ocelot St., was booked with possession of stolen property worth more than $1,000.

Fetter has a probation hold and Hayes is jailed in lieu of $50,000 bond.

In the felony theft case, Andrew Fusillo, 47, of Metairie, was arrested May 15 outside a Chalmette department store and booked with possession of stolen property as well as the felony theft count.

Fusillo is a suspect in numerous thefts in the New Orleans area and authorities said records indicated he has pawned items throughout the metro area on more than 20 occasions since late March.

He is being held without bond in St. Bernard Parish Prison.